
GPT40 - Glaciar Viedma

66 bytes añadidos, 20:30 29 jun 2023
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
Same as below, follow the trail when it differs from the trace.
Beware that on Day 2, the Paso del Viento can be very windy and you should check the weather forecast before leaving.
*2022-Dec 16 Frank
Watch video of the hike @ national park office. Bring a harness & learn how to do a Tyrolean traverse before you go. Where the trail differs from the track file it's easier to follow the trail which is generally good & clear. You are required to register online for the trek (link given by Veronica & Zach below) & sign out at the national park office when you are finished. 
*2020-Jan-12/ Oreste Marquis
Verify the wind forecast! The hills are so steep, strong wind could be dangerous! There’s no snow anymore and you will not need crampons.