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ENG:Península Lican Ray

4506 bytes añadidos, 23:09 23 abr 2019
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[[File:Rutas patrimoniales ministerio bienes nacionales.PNG|right]]
* This trekking is described with great detail in the following '' '[http://issuu.com/prensabientenacionales/docs/32?e=12427533/8657492 topoguía of the Patrimonial Routes of the Ministry of National Assets]' ''. You can request a printed version in the Ministry: +56223512100, annex 2325. It is highly recommended to take it to the trekking, since it enriches the experience with descriptions of flora, fauna, geography and geology.
'''General recommendations'''
* Do not leave a trace, enjoy nature without damaging it.
* Preparing in advance the outings to wilderness areas will allow the results to be safer and more entertaining. It is advisable to consider the size of the group, the type of place you want to visit and the necessary equipment and food.
* Before going out to the field, try to find out about the restrictions in force in the area you are going to visit. Gather information on the climatic conditions of the area and choose the right equipment for the conditions that will be faced.
* Wear appropriate clothing for the walk, consider light clothes for the day and warm clothes for the afternoon hours.
* Bring sunscreen.
* Reimburse food in light, easy-to-use bags and leave commercial containers in the city.
* Carry bags for waste.
* Bring water bottle, which will facilitate camping away from water sources and thus not disturb the birds present.
'''For the tour'''
* Stay at all times on the trails.
* Avoid occupying places where you notice that the impact has just begun.
* Do not increase the slaughter area (sewer and lookouts).
* Leave the sites clean for other people.
'''Properly dispose of what can not be brought back'''
When traveling through wilderness areas that are often believed to be virgins, it is possible to find rubbish left by others. Hence the recommendation to organize the trip in such a way that generates little garbage.
For this, the following must be taken into account:
* Practice the "pit of a cat" technique. In areas without toilets or latrines make a hole about 30 centimeters deep and 20 centimeters wide, away from water sources (at least 60 meters) and cover the depositions.
* Avoid throwing sewage water courses.
* Burn or take toilet paper.
* The urine is sterile, but it has salt. In places where vegetation is scarce, avoid urinating on them, since the animals are looking for them.
* Do not bury garbage, animals can discover it and unearth it.
* Do not throw away organic products, many times they do not belong to the environment and they take a great deal of time to decompose.
* Take with you all the leftovers of food.
'' 'Leave what you find' ''
Leave the site that is visited clean and better than it was found so that others also enjoy it. It is a matter of principle for all those who feel respect and admiration for the natural world to leave intact archaeological sites and ruins, respect the fauna of the place and leave the flora in its natural state. That is why it is suggested to consider "'' It is here, it stays here ''". Leave everything where it was so others can also appreciate them. "
'''Respect wildlife'''
It is everyone's responsibility that wild areas continue to be a space for nature to develop without interference. Preserving so that others can enjoy it is also everyone's responsibility.
* Respect the natural corridors of animals.
* Travel in silence.
* Observe the fauna from afar, do not approach or follow it.
* Do not feed the fauna with its food, as it gets used to man's food, generating unnecessary dependence, which later becomes a nuisance.
* Leave without pets, can scare wild animals, transmit diseases and parasites. The natural balance is very delicate.
'''Consider other visitors'''
The increase of visitors to the wild areas alters the environment and the experience in it. The different means to enjoy nature bring conflicts among users, that is why this principle helps to think about how to improve one's own experience and that of others, taking into account that wild areas must be taken care of.
* Learn about pet regulations.
* Show respect for those in charge of wild areas and with the owners of the land.
* Be courteous to other visitors.
* Keep noise to the minimum to avoid interrupting the magic of the places that are crossed. Avoid disturbing the fauna and other visitors.
* Avoid carrying sound elements such as radios, TV, etc.
* Take breaks outside and away from the trail.
[[category:Routes in english]]

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