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Greater Patagonian Trail

237 bytes eliminados, 13:20 1 jul 2017
Police and Borders
The vast majority of citizens from the Americas and Europe do not need to apply for visa to visit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Chile Chile] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Argentina Argentina] as a tourist. These citizens receive at the border a tourist permit that is valid for staying up to 90 days in the country. The easiest way to renew your tourist permit is travelling over the border from Chile to Argentina or from Argentina to Chile before completing your 90 days and returning a few days later. On re-entry you will normally be granted another 90 days. Such a trip can be combined with a resupply stop in a nearby town.   Alternatively you can request a tourist visa extension in Chile. This can be done in any of the 54 provincial capitals of Chile. Los Angeles, Temuco and Puerto Montt are 3 possible choices but none of the provincial capitals are conveniently close to the trail. Here you find a full list of the Chilean provinces with its capitals: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_Chile Wikipedia: Provinces the 54 provincial capitals of Chile].

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