
Greater Patagonian Trail

54 bytes añadidos, 14:13 3 ago 2014
Creation of the Greater Patagonian Trail
==Creation of the Greater Patagonian Trail==
The Greater Patagonian trail is not an official trail that was planned and set up by a government agency. It’s better: it’s a compilation of the most beautiful and diverse hiking paths, and horse trails, minor roads and cross country sections through the Patagonian Andes that were selected by an passionate hiker.
This genesis prevented that the routing of the trail was compromised and deformed by local interests and political constraints. The track could be chooses freely on either side of the border as long as it does not involve unauthorized border crossings between Chile and Argentina. There were also no “must-include” towns, villages or places because influential local politicians decided so. Simple the best feasible route could be selected.
The trail planning condition and selection conditions were:
* The trail leads through the heart of the Andes along the main mountain chain of the cordillera
* The most beautiful and diverse existing tracks are selected
* Hiking paths and horse trails are preferred over roads with transit traffic even if this means a reasonable detour
* Selected cross country sections must be feasible for hiking without special gear
* The route is continious without any gaps
* The track can be hiked legally