
ENG:Salto del Apoquindo

9 bytes eliminados, 23:15 18 dic 2018
Texto reemplazado: «{{RutaForm2_english» por «{{RutaForme»
[[en:ENGes:Salto del Apoquindo]]
[[File:Sierra_ramon_desde_Salto_del_Apoquindo.jpg|frame|center|Sierra de Ramón from Salto del Apoquindo, october 2016]]
|Imágen Principal=Salto_del_Apoquindo.JPG
|ComentariosImagen=Salto del Apoquindo, octubre de 2009
|KMLZ=Salto_del_Apoquindo.kmz ‎
[[File: Bosque salto apoquindo.jpg | thumb | In the Mediterranean forest. October 2007]]
[[File: Salto del Apoquindo.jpg | thumb | El Encañado Waterfalls, from the viewpoint. Do not confuse with the final destination. In the Salto del Apoquindo you can reach the foot of the waterfall. Photo taken towards the north. 10/07]]
[[ArchiveFile: Campamento_Salto_del_Apoquindo.JPG | thumb | Inmediations of the Apoquindo Falls, place of rest]]
All year round but it's best in the spring when the river is at its fullest and the flowers are out. It is a good option in summer as there is plenty of access to water, shade from the trees and places to swim.
{{access salto del apoquindo}}
==Descripción de la rutaRoute==
{{route to salto del apoquindo}}
Add 1h 30' for the return.
{{Checklist|Checklist de equipo tipo 1: ruta de baja altitud, sin acampe, nieve ni frío}}*Trekking Poles could be useful for crossing rivers and the steep descent at the end. *Swimming shorts and a towel
{{salto del apoquindo fees}}
 ==Pronóstico Metereológico=={{AccuWeatherValleMapocho}} ==Galería de imágenesGallery==
File:Cerro La Cruz - Cerro San Ramon (14).JPG|From [[ENG:Cerro La Cruz]]. Salto del Apoquindo at the base, oct-2012.
==Enlaces relacionadosExternal links==
*[ Proyecto Protege]
*[ Asociación Parque Cordillera]