
ENG:Gran Salto del Río Olivares

701 bytes añadidos, 23:13 18 dic 2018
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[[ES:Gran Salto del Río Olivares]]{{draftIndexed}}{{Banner rutas patrimoniales Rutas Patrimoniales english}}{{RutaForme|Actividad=Trekking Chile}} __TOC__
|País=Chile (english)
|VallesStgo=Valle Maipo
|Atractivos=Glaciar, Río, Cascada, Parque Nacional
|Duracion=4 días
|Sendero=Gran parte sin sendero
|Comentarios distancia=
|Primer Autor=Marcos Allende
|Imágen Principal=Salto olivares.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Gran salto Olivares river. December 2005.
|ComentariosMapa=Track to Gran Salto del Río Olivares
|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
==General description==
The national heritage route, which is part of Sendero de Chile "Andes Centrales: Río Olivares – Gran salto” is a wonderful alternative for excursion lovers and is only 86 km. away from Santiago This route is now open to the public thanks to the funds and support of the Ministry of National Heritage, by means of their program “Rutas Patrimoniales” and CONAMAs (National Environmental Committee) program “Sendero de Chile” which allows a pedestrian access to the central mountain range, together with a written guide so travelers may enjoy their trip in a safe and well informed manner. The mountain trail is 27 km long, and requires at least four days of relaxed walking. This is recommended not only for security reasons but also to allow the traveler to have enough time to enjoy the natural scenery. Along the way one can also find suitable camping sites. During the excursion, the traveler will be rewarded with high-andean landscapes, beautiful rock formations, snowed peaks, evidence of ancient glaciers, waterfalls and the superb flight of the condor, in one of the pristine and purest valleys of this central mountain range.
==Location and access==
[[Imagen:Mapa_acceso_gran_salto_olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Access map to the Olivares river. ImageFile: [ Turistel] ]]
““Olivares River-Gran Salto” Patrimonial Road is located 86 km North-East Santiago, following road G- 25 Cajón del Maipo to the East, until Río Colorado crossing, taking then Road G- 345 Cajón del Colorado, to the North-East, until the location of El Alfalfal. Access to the road from the location of El Alfalfal is restricted at Gener S.A. control, having to request prior authorization to the Ministry of National Property. After recording entry at the control barrier, there are 7 km of double lane gravel road, parallel to Colorado River by the North, until reaching the first detour, taking alternative road to the left, the access to Olivares River basin. At this point starts a 12 km tour to the North, with a maximum 400 meter unevenness through a one lane road, along Olivares River border, and climbing a little slope until reaching Olivares River intake, corresponding to Gener S.A.’s Olivares Sub-station. The road starts in a little detour to the left, just before arriving to intake facilities, specifically, at coordinates 394604 E / 6303570 N. Such road is bounded in the North by Gran Salto del Olivares, in the East by Olivares River, in the South by Olivares Intake, and in the West by Cordón del Cepo. “Olivares River-Gran Salto” Patrimonial Road is located North-East the pre-cordilleran location called El Alfalfal, district of San José de Maipo. It is a 27 km lineal road that recovers old paths used for mining, hunting, and cattle-raising activities, divided into four segments from Olivares River Sub-station, 2.050 meters above the sea level (Intake) to Gran Salto del Río Olivares, located 2.800 m.a.s.l. At least 4 days must be considered to complete the full round circuit, estimating days of 6 hours of continuous hiking, being also possible to ride a horse or mule, also considering in that case 4 days of 4 daily-hour riding. Summer and spring times are advisable in both cases for further security of the visitor. Alternatively, a cross country ski tour may be considered, specifically, in the first three segments at the beginning of spring time.
==Main atractive==
aspects of “Olivares River-Gran Salto” road are:
Plain Vegetation and Shrub Formation at Heights: It is possible to observe 4 plain formations of interesting configuration, which are connected to the presence of crystal water springs enabling development of vegetation and their use as supply and camping areas. These are: "Primera Vega", "Vega Larga", "Vega Casa de Piedra", and "Vega Honda". It is also possible to identify several species proper to elevated environments, many of them with therapeutic usage. Among the more commonly found flora in the road, we can mention Pingo – Pingo, Junelia, Lengua de Gallina, Añañuca, Paihuén, Chacai, Rubilla, among others. Fauna: Condors is the most spectacular specie to observe. It can be seen both individually and in groups of 4 or more birds, flying close to the level of the ground, looking for preys, in particular, at "La Morrena" sector. It is also usual to have the presence of other birds: a variety of big finches, crown sparrow, small partridge, a variety of pheasant, and swallow, that can be seen in flatter sectors related to plains or stream and river beds. Geomorphy of the Landscape: Inside Olivares River basin, it is possible to observe a wide variety of geomorphy derived from plate tectonics, a complex faulting system, and erosive processes connected to quaternary glacial activity, specially referred, in the last case, to abrasion exercised by glacial bodies on the bedrock, the biggest glacial unit in the central Andean cordillera, and resulting from avalanche and snow melting phenomena, allowing to obtain a singular configuration of the main valley. We can highlight development of a number of outfall fans, among which such located in the East sector of “El Bordón” slope, in “Primera Vega” and “Vega Honda”, are the most important. Cascades: A number of cascades of very different sizes, that may be specially seen at the end of spring time and at the beginning of summer time, among which “El Bordón” stream, “Los Castaños” and “Gran Salto falls of Olivares River” may be highlighted for their panoramic scenario. Casa de Piedra (House of Stone): It is a lytic structure of both anthropologic and historic interest, without specific data on its origin; however, it is directly connected to activities carried out since remote times; first, camelidae hunting, and then, since the colony, occupation of summer pasture and as a traffic place connected to “Las Pircas" or "Fraile” crossing point.
==First segment==
[[Imagen:Mapa rio olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Map of the trail. ImageFile:[ Rutas Patrimoniales, Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales] ]][[Imagen:Valle olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Río Olivares Valley just befores Casa de Piedra. looking north, december December 2005]][[Imagen:Perfil rio olivares.png|thumb|200px|right|Profile of the trek Río Olivares. (It lacks the last 1910 meteres meters to the lookout, at 2872 masl, but the global altitude database(SRTM) does not cover the area]]   
Degree of Difficulty: Easy to little difficult. Basic raid apt for family tour. Precaution at “La Morrena” sector for exposure in steep edge.
==Second segment==
[[Imagen:Final valle olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|End of the valley. 12/05]][[Imagen:Salto.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Waterfall of the Olivares river. End of the trek. ImageFile: Joaquín Barañao, 12/05]][[Imagen:Salto olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Waterfall. 12/05]]
Degree of Difficulty: Easy to little difficult. Basic raid for family tour. Precaution at El Bordón slope for exposure in inclined hillsides.
Type of Terrain: Bottom of valley, with wavy to stable steep hillsides. Floodable sector of plains and active gorge at El Bordón slope. Well marked track. Abundant shrub sparse vegetation.
Degree of Difficulty: Slightly difficult-difficult. Half mountain excursion requiring speed skills. Precaution in certain sectors where the track disappears as a result of the stone deflation. Possible dehidratation in slope sectors. Type of Land: Valley background and unstable steep hillsides with presence of outfall fans and main rocky terrace with no marked track. Poor sparse shrub-like vegetation. Description of the Segment: From SNUPIE Nº 19 continue the
tour immediately downstream taking y course to 45º to a gorge through stony roads without track, crossing it and rack, taking as reference Tronco hill. You nce must be precautious since from autious SNUPIE Nº 19 there is no well-marked track.. After moving forward 715 meters, you enter a plain land sector without track, composed by erosion materials partially obstructing the run, especially when riding. You reach to the SNUPIE N° 20, which is located at about 10 meters from the Olivares River river- bed. it is a location where you can see geological formations, and in particular, the contrast between West and East hillsides of the main valley, basically referred to tectonic composition and deformation of hillsides, observing stratum dipping over 65º in the West sector. The road continue going round the edge of Olivares River for 350 meters until reaching to the beginning of the second slope, leaving aside Olivares River. The track is weak, reason why it is necessary to follow the visible dry-stone walls leading to SNUPIE Nº 21. This SNUIPIE is an appropriate place for camping or to take a break. The access to water is at approximately 100 meters. The location is slightly exposed to South winds. This is the last site where you can have access to water, except for spring seasons where you could access to a stream without name at 3.3 kilometers from the SNUPIE N° 21. It is not advisable to consume water from Olivares River due to its high turbidness. The tour continues through a small climb with course to 0º until arriving to SNUPIE Nº 22. In this location you could appreciate a wide panoramic view of the Olivares River valley until "Vega Honda" plain sector by the South and a small 240 meter segment of Blanca gorge with crossing of 50 meters of snow land patch for the beginning of the season (November- January). Surpassing said gorge, you continue climbing without track, being extremely careful of not surpassing course 350º due to the presence of cliffs of more than 100 meters high, reason why it is recommended to take course to the West going round the edge of said cliff at a prudent distance, especially in low visibility conditions. After moving forward 350 meters
climbing is finished and an abrupt
downward slope of 200 meters begins through marked track of loosen soil with slopes ranging between 40º and 45 º. It is a contact zone between cliffs and colluvial material of West hillsides. It is required to be extremely precautious due to the high exposure to fall of rocks in the downward slope which come from the hillside, reason why it is not
Before starting, it is necessary to:
*Request prior entry authorization to the Ministry of National Property. •
*{{Topoguía Topoguia bienes nacionales english||}}
*Take warm and water-proof garments. •
*Take food. •
*Do not light fire. If it was unavoidable, turn off the fire with abundant water. •
*Do not hunt or disturb existing native fauna
{{Trekkings Chile english}}
[[category:Routes in english]]