
ENG:Refugio El Bolsón

112 bytes añadidos, 18:17 22 abr 2019
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[[ES:Refugio El Bolsón]]
{{Science and adventure}}
{{RutaForm2_englishRutaForme|Actividad=Trekking, Mountain Bike
|País=Chile (english)
|Atractivos=Bosque, Cascada, Parque Nacional
|DuraciónDuracion=1 día|DuraciónMTBDuracionMTB=1/2 día  |Dificultad Técnica MTBDificultadTecnicaMTB=Media
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|Imágen Principal=Refugio Bolson.JPG
|ComentariosImagen=The mountain shelter known as Refugio El Bolsón, December 2016
|ComentariosMapa=Refugio El Bolsón Trail
== Description of the route ==
[[Archivo:Perfil_refugio_bolson.PNG|thumb|center|700px750px|Elevation profile of the route]]
The starting point is the CONAF rangers' office at Parque Inglés (km 0 of the trek - 1100m above sea level). Start the walk by passing around the back of the CONAF base through a turnstile following the signs to the trails. After you get out of the CONAF base, you need to turn right onto a dirt road which then bears around to the left. Within 150 m from the CONAF base area, you'll see a path, which exits the dirt road to the right, along with a route sign pointing towards Refugio El Bolsón, and that it's four hours' walk away. This is the trail you want to take. You have to keep following it until you get to Refugio El Bolsón, ignoring all of the secondary paths that you'll see branching off to the sides of the main route as you go along (most notably, Sendero Mala Cara and Sendero La Montañita). Try not to forget this! 🙂 By the way, "sendero" means "path" in Spanish.
{{fees Reserva Nacional Siete Tazas}}
==Guídes & Agencies==
== Recommendations ==