
Greater Patagonian Trail

2459 bytes añadidos, 12:55 10 jul 2017
Before you depart: Get Prepared
====Before you depart: Get Prepared====
If you opt It should be obvious to hike or packraft along every reader that this trail requires extensive outdoor experience and quite good navigational skills in the GPT and your Spanish is still insufficient, than learn and improve your Spanishdifferent kinds of landscapes. Since you are just a guest on an informal It’s no trail network you need for outdoor novices. Therefore I will not go into detail and will not attempt to explain to herdsmen, indigenous Pehuenche, settlers and police what you are doingwrite a general outdoor guidebook. You Someone who would need to ask for direction, organize your resupply by either figuring out what is available on this does not need (yet) a trail like the route or taking public transportation to resupply towns off the trailGPT. For this Be honest with yourself and review if you need to ask locals have the required skills and experience for bus schedules, routes such a demanding and stops. Don’t expect anyone along the unpredictable trail to speak English. Only in the tourist town and national parks with international profile you will somehow get along with English.
Study the route network that is relevant for If you and become an expert in setting up opt to hike or packraft along the GPS trail files on GPT and your GPS devise Spanish is still insufficient, than learn and improve your backup systems i.eSpanish. Since you are just a smart phone and guest on an InReach satellite pager. Exercise how informal trail network you need to follow a track on your GPS if explain to herdsmen, indigenous Pehuenche, settlers and police what you never done it before. It’s not as simple as it seems. Test the battery running times of your GPS are doing and your emergency satellite communicator ask for permission to plan pass. You need to ask also for direction, organize your recharging resupply by either figuring out what is available on the route or taking public transportation to resupply towns off the trail. Test also the record function of your GPS For this you need to create tracks ask locals for bus schedules and waypointsbus routes. This is essential I’m not planning to include such detailed information in wikiexplora because bus schedules change too often. You need to ask the locals along the trial when you get close to become a contributorsection end. In particular rural buses have rarely published time tables but local residents know when to wait where for a bus. Don’t expect anyone along the trail to speak English. Only in the tourist town and national parks with an international profile you will somehow get along with English.
Don’t undermine this tech stuff and don’t postpone it to Study the end! A good proportion of the hikers route network that attempted walking on is relevant for you including the GPT experienced substantial struggles because they lacked these “nerdy” skillsoptional side trips and escape or exit routes. Some hikers were stopped by issues as simple as not being able Get prepared to make an already uploaded route visible on wisely apply the GPS devise. Others got stuck on overgrown trails following principles during your hike: Select and had Skip, Combine and Flip. For this you need to backtrack several days because they did not load know and understand the last update route network before they departedyou leave. The irony was I send In Google Earth you may add your personal notes in form of waypoints and transfer them greatly improved routes several weeks before they departed for exactly with the area where they got stuckGPS trail files to your GPS.
I’m not providing Become an expert in setting up the GPS trail files on your GPS devise and I’m also not planning to provide your backup systems i.e. a specific smart phone and detailed gear list with my personal equipment choices and recommendationsan InReach satellite pager. What I plan Exercise how to issue is some general guidance and examples of what other hikers used with successfollow a track on your GPS if you never done it before. Suitable gear is essential but It’s not as simple as it must be suitable for you and what you are comfortable and skilled to useseems. So far appreciation Test the battery running times of your GPS and disappointment your emergency satellite communicator to plan your recharging on the trail was rarely linked . Test also the record function of your GPS to gear but primarily to attitudecreate tracks and waypoints. Being light This is good essential to become a contributor.  Don’t undermine this tech stuff and important but not all aspects don’t postpone it to the end! A good proportion of the ultra-light philosophy are suitable for this trailhikers that attempted walking on the GPT experienced substantial struggles because they lacked these “nerdy” skills. Therefore if you have not read yet about ultra-light equipment and strategies read about it Some hikers were stopped by issues as part of your preparation but don't take it simple as sole source of instructionsnot being able to make an already uploaded route visible on the GPS devise. Others got stuck on overgrown trails and had to backtrack several days because they did not load the last update before they departed. The irony was I send them greatly improved routes several weeks before they departed for exactly the area where they got stuck.
Do you know how to cook your meals in the outdoors? You certainly do if you are reading this article but do you know how to prepare a filling and delicious meal with the different supplies available in mountains in Chile and Argentina? Being a creative cook is a very useful skill on the GPT and getting prepared for the GPT means also widen your food range and cooking methods. Did you ever try “Harina Tostada”? Do you know how to harvest, open and prepare Araucaria pines (Spanish: “piniones”)? Do you bake bread while hiking? Flour is i.e. something more readily available on the trail because people normally bake their own bread in remote areas. The herdsmen and settlers often carry large sags of flour on horses or mules to their outposts (Spanish: “puesto”) and taught us that making your own bread in the wild is quite simple. It is a skill that we regularly appreciate to stretch our food reserves to stay longer on the trail. So is cooking over fire. These herdsmen hardly ever carry a camping stove and cook normally on camp fires. Where permitted we also do this and all our cocking gear is selected to be continued suitable for cocking on fire. But be very careful; wild fires are a severe danger and in most national parks open fires are strictly banned.  I’m not providing and I’m also not planning to provide a specific and detailed gear list with my personal equipment choices and recommendations. What I plan to issue is some general guidance and examples of what other hikers used with success. Suitable gear is essential but it must be suitable for you and what you are comfortable and skilled to use. So far appreciation and disappointment on the trail was rarely linked to gear but primarily to attitude.Being light is good and important but not all aspects of the ultra-light philosophy are suitable for this trail.Therefore if you have not read yet about ultra-light equipment and strategies read about it as part of your preparation but don't take it as sole source of instructions.
====Before you depart: Don't do this ...====