
Greater Patagonian Trail

1 byte añadido, 12:08 26 jun 2017
An Advise for Thru-Hikers
I know, sooner or later someone will try to thru-hike the trail in one season and may even succeed if he is lucky with the weather. But attempting thisseems foolish, especially this early in the development of the trail and the support system along and around the trail, seems foolish. This focus will mean needing to rush and take less attractive short cuts. It inhibits slowing down to fully appreciate the land and share time with the people along the route. And more important: someone who tries to thru-hike the GPT in one season needs to take unreasonable risks by throwing himself in torrential rivers and climbing to high elevations when fierce blizzards can kill. And remember, when you walk on these trails you are a guest on the land of someone else. Just the idea of racing through strangers' backyards feels wrong for me.
This trail was not created to thru-hike Patagonia, it's a route network for "immersion-hiking". The GPT does not get you through Patagonia but gets you into Patagonia.
===Understanding the Terrain===