
Greater Patagonian Trail

50 bytes añadidos, 19:40 11 jun 2017
North to South
'''South of latitude 41° 30’ S: GPT22 to GPT40'''
South of Puerto Montt the Chilean Central Valley "sinks" below sea level and the [ Patagonian fjords] begin. These fjords and channels form a vast network of waterways that separate the countless islands and peninsulas of western Patagonia. In this rugged region hardly any road or trail was build along the cost. The mountains that rise directly out of the sea often simply do not leave any space for a trial or a road land connection and the impenetrable tempered rain forest amplifies this challenge. In this region of Chile even the most important road, ; the Carretera Austral, ; has a 50 km wide gap that can only be bridged by ferry; there is not even a horse trail or a food path; just impenetrable dense forest and cragged mountains. Here most land routes are further inland in the valleys and depressions that cut through the Patagonian Andes or in the vast Argentine plains east of the Andes. Due to this geography the GPT crosses on section GPT22 into Argentina and does not return to Chile until section GPT26. In this area the trail touches the Argentine plains that reach from the eastern edge of the Pataognian Andes all the way to the Atlantic cost.