
Greater Patagonian Trail

410 bytes añadidos, 23:06 21 may 2017
Section Attractiveness and Difficulty Rating
Two grades from 1 to 5 are given to each section, one grade for attractiveness and one grade for difficulty. The 5 stands for the most attractive or the most difficult category. The grades were choose in a way that the average grade over all hiking sections is a precise 3. For sections with a substantial packrafting proportion an additional packrafting grading is given, that is relative to based on the same hiking scale of the same section to facilitate a comparison if better hiking and or packrafting a section where both is possible. Since packrafting is generally more attractive and more challenging the average rating of packrafting grades exceeds 3.
The evaluation of the difficulty and challenge considers the terrain, the trail condition, exposure to weather, remoteness, section length and resupply possibilities along the trail. This evaluation is based on the regular route. The individual experience will greatly vary with the actual weather that someone is exposed while hiking or packrafting. Also some optional routes might be much more demanding compared to the regular route. Keep this in mind when making you choices.
The not yet confirmed exploration packrafting sections are particular challenging. To caution adventurers that wish to explore these sections a difficulty grade of 6 on a scale from 1 to 5 is given to these exploration sections. For a continuous route none of these 5 exploration sections need to be taken.