
Greater Patagonian Trail

130 bytes añadidos, 14:58 3 ago 2014
Recommended Equipment
===GPS and Electronic Map===
The trail is mostly unmarked, partly not visible and only smaller fractions are documented with maps. Therefore a GPS is essential for navigation. In addition an electronic topographical map is recommended.
We used a Garmin GPS with the Garmin TOPO Chile Deluxe electronic map. The topographical profile, rivers, lakes, road and towns are precisely mapped. Only smaller streams, smaller lagoons and some trails are partly incorrecly placed on the electronic map. Garmin now offers a electronic topographical map that covers all Chile, Argentina and Bolivia and with this all Patagonia. The price is just slightly higher price than Chile only. This map is probably the currently best choise for this trail and furture trail extensions to the south that will incorporate larger sections on Argentine soil.
===Satellite Tracker===
The Greater Patagonian Trail leads partly through rather isolated uninhabited areas with no mobile phone coverage at all. In case of an accident a satellite based emergency communication devise may contribute to your survival.
* SPOT offers a light weight emergency beacon that when pushing an emergency button submits a distress signal via satellite with your GPS position to a rescue centre. This devise can also be set up to regularly send the GPS position and display the track on the internet. We carried such a personal satellite tracker and our families and friends stayed much more relaxed because they could see us move day by day through the mountains. The limitation of this devise is, that is cannot receive any messages or send messages written on the trail. You find further information to this devise on the [ SPOT manufacturers homepage.]
The partly long stages and the limited supply along the trail requires a proper power management for the GPS, the camera and all other electronic gear. If you rely on the GPS for navigation you need to make sure to have in functional whenever needed.
 We opted to carry a solar power panel to recharge all our batteries while hiking. Carrying regular batteries for up to 3 weeks would have meant a substantial extra weight.We choose the model [ Nomad 7 from GoalZero with the Guide 10 Power Pack.]
==Required Skills and Capabilities==