
Greater Patagonian Trail

3 bytes añadidos, 14:51 3 ago 2014
Resupply at Nearby Towns
===Resupply at Nearby Towns===
There are no proper shops along the first seven sections of the trail. The first regular food store on the trail comes after 600 km at the finish of section 7. But there is a road with public transportation at the end of each section that gives you the opportunity to take a bus and to travel to the next village or town to resupply. See the table under [[#Trail Sections| trail sections]] with suitable resupply villages and towns.
The product range in smaller villages and towns is limited. In particular dehydrated trekking food may not be offered at all. If you prefer to have some special stuff that you find only in Santiago or that you bring with you from overseas you have the following option: You pack a box with food and other gear in Santiago and send the box with one of the mayor bus companies to a town where you plan a resupply stop. To send the box you do not need any address in this town; all you need to do is making yourself the recipient of your own package. The bus company will ship your box to this town in 1 or 2 days and store it until you pick it up. There you can take out of your box whatever you need and resend the box with the reamining stuff to the next resupply town where it will be stored again. Storage of up to 30 days is free of charge.
Suitable resupply towns with bus cargo stations are:
* Puerto Montt (Turbus, JAC)
* Puerto Varas (Turbus, JAC)
A true through-hike would require the setup of food depots on strategic points along the route.