
Greater Patagonian Trail

44 bytes añadidos, 19:30 2 ago 2014
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An experienced hiker in explorers mood with good Spanish knowledge and planning skills will probably be able to hike the entire Greater Patagonian Trail without these detailed descriptions by fully exploiting the information provided in the detailed KMZ file for trekking.
===[[GPT 1: Volcán Descabezado|Section 1: Volcán Descabezado]]===
* '''Duration: 6 to 8 days'''
* '''Distance: 103 km'''
** ''Duration: ½ to 1 day''
The first stage of the Greater Patagonian Trail gets you right into a mind-blowing volcanic theatre. The landscape is transformed by numerous powerful eruptions of the volcano Descabezado Grande and it’s equally potent smaller brothers in the surrounding. During the last major outbreak in 1932 the Quizapu; a parasitic crater 6 km south of the main crater; vomited an estimated 25 cubic kilometer of lava and volcanic ash.
smaller volcano. Both lakes are not far of the trail near a scenic camp site.
Here you can see plenty of [ images of section 1 of the Greater Patagonian Trail] that are uplodaded to Panoramio and Google Earth.
====Detailed Description====
And here you can read the detailed trail section description on wikiexplora: [[Greater Patagonian Trail Section 1: Volcán Descabezado]]
====Image Gallery====
Imagen:01 Greater Patagonian Trail, Volcan Descabezado, El Bolsón.jpg|El Bolsón
===[[GPT 2: Laguna Dial|Section 2: Laguna Dial]]======[[GPT 2-3: Alternative Long Distance Challange via Las Truchas|Section 2-3: Alternative Long Distance Challange via Las Truchas]]======[[GPT 3: Volcán Chillan|Section 3: Volcán Chillan]]======[[GPT 4: Volcán Antuco|Section 4: Volcán Antuco]]======[[GPT 5: Laguna El Barco|Section 5: Laguna El Barco]]======[[GPT 6: Guallali|Section 6: Guallali]]======[[GPT 7: Laguna Marinanqui|Section 7: Laguna Marinanqui]]======[[GPT 8: Laguna Icalma and Volcán Sollipulli|Section 8: Laguna Icalma and Volcán Sollipulli]]======[[GPT 9: Curarrehue|Section 9: Curarrehue]]======[[GPT 10: Volcán Quetrupillan|Section 10: Volcán Quetrupillan]]======[[GPT 10-12: Alternative via Liquiñe|Section 10-12: Alternative via Liquiñe]]======[[GPT 11: Neltume|Section 11: Neltume]]======[[GPT 12: Lago Pirihueico|Section 12: Lago Pirihueico]]======[[GPT 13: Volcán Puyehue|Section 13: Volcán Puyehue]]======[[GPT 14: Volcán Antillanca|Section 14: Volcán Antillanca]]======[[GPT 15: Lago Todos Los Santos|Section 15: Lago Todos Los Santos]]======[[GPT 16: Cochamó|Section 16: Cochamó]]===