
Greater Patagonian Trail

752 bytes añadidos, 13:21 2 ago 2014
Wikipedia states: “There is no known antiviral treatment, but natural recovery from the virus is possible with supportive treatment. Patients with suspected hantavirus are usually admitted to the hospital and given oxygen and mechanical ventilation support to help them breathe during the acute pulmonary stage. As the virus can be transmitted by rodent saliva, excretia, and bites, control of rats and mice in areas frequented by humans is key for disease prevention.”
Recommended For more information see: [ Hantavirus] on wikipedia. The main source of infection are inhaled aerosols of mice droppings. Therefore the recommended preventive measures are:* Avoid any contact with mice and mice dropping.* Do no use any shelters that are not well ventilated or where you can see any traces of mice.* Keep your food protect and away from mice in particular during the night. The same applies to your pots, dishes and waste to not attract mice.* Camp in clean, open area that do not provide hideouts for mice. Avoid shrubbery.* Use a tent with a closed floor and a fully concealed inner tent. * Drink only secure water and disinfect or boil it if necessary.* Do not eat wild fruits that may attract mice as well.
==Comment to KMZ File for Trekking==