
Greater Patagonian Trail

88 bytes añadidos, 08:38 2 ago 2014
Required Skills and Capabilities
The isolation of some parts of the trail demand a self-reliant attitude and cautious behaviour. The hiker needs to feel confident and move safely in various terrains, that reach from snow covered mountains passes to dense tempered rain forests.
Sudden weather changes may happen anytime in this mountainous region. The hiker needs to be mentally prepared and technically equipped to master in example an surprising snow storm and closing in clouds while cossing a mountain pass. Good judgment is required to avoid such situations and to take a decision to rather wait or return and seak shelter if the weather changes in a concerning manner. While hiking we were told several times true storries about disappeared several incidents where local inhabitants and frozen outside turists got lost, disappeared without trace or froze to death people.
Good navigational skills are essential since the route is mostly unmarked. The hiker needs to recognize and follow the often only vaguely visible trails. Knowledge Goold knowledge in setting up and using a GPS is compulsory.
This trail should only be attempted with at least some Spanish knowledge and practice. You should need to be able to introduce yourself, explain what you are doing and , buy food and other suppliesand organize your bus trips to and from the trail. Hardly anyone that you will meat along the trail speaks or understands even a few words in English.