
Greater Patagonian Trail

16 bytes eliminados, 11:06 31 jul 2014
Section 1: Volcán Descabezado
smaller volcano. Both lakes are not far of the trail near a scenic camp site.
===Detailed Trail Section DescriptionImages===Her your find Here you can see plenty of [ images of section 1 of the detail trail description: [[Greater Patagonian Trail Section 1: Volcán Descabezado]]that are uplodaded to Panoramio and Google Earth.
===Images on Panoramio and Google EarthDetailed Trail Section Description===And here you can see plenty of [ images of section 1 of read the detailed trail section description: [[Greater Patagonian TrailSection 1: Volcán Descabezado]] that are uplodaded to Panoramio and Google Earth.
===Image Gallery===