
Greater Patagonian Trail

1 byte eliminado, 23:15 30 jul 2014
Importation of Food
Chile is very cautious when it comes to importing food, plants and animals. To minimize the risk of introducing pests or invasive plants and animals such imports are highly regulated and controlled. Therefore individuals are strictly banned to bring fresh fruits, vegetables, raw milk or meat products to Chile. Only processed sterile food can be imported in concealed packing’s, in example all heat treated or canned items in closed containers. Thorough checks are made on the border by the SAG (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero) on the airport and the border checkpoints from neighbouring countries.
*Example of strictly banned items:** Fresh or dried fruits** Fresh cheese** Raw meat products like ham and sausages** Honey
*Example of normally accepted items:** Bread, cookies and other baked items** All canned items even if containing milk and meat products** Sweats like chocolate, candies and cereal bar** Cereals, corn flakes and milk chocolate powder in concealed bags** Pasta, rice, flour and dehydrated potato puree** Instant meals like dehydrated trekking food in concealed bags
When crossing the border to Chile you need to fill in a declaration, where you are asked if you bring any plant or food products. On this declaration the definition for plant or food products is very wide and includes the all the permitted items as well. Therefore the best and only correct thing is to always state YES. If ask explain that you have processed food and give an example.