

437 bytes eliminados, 03:45 19 feb 2014
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I write text before placing the code of the map (<gmaps...>) I also write text after the map.But the text after the map does not appear because the map destroy what it is under it. Also if I write the code of the map (<gmaps...>) only 1 time I will see the map only in the preview mode, but after I save it It will disapear at all.If I write the code of the map (<gmaps...>) 2 times, then I will be able to see it in the preview mode and in the saved mode. {{#tag:gmaps||url={{filepath:Planchon_-_Valle_del_Rio_Claro.kmz}}|height="800400"|width="522"|lat="-35.092265"|lng="-30.667707"|zoom="12|" url= type="SATELLITE"}}></gmaps>
This text under the map it is not possible to see it.