
Greater Patagonian Trail track files

299 bytes añadidos, 4 marzo
List of requests
Don't forget to send the email after adding yourself to the list as described in the GPT Hikers' Manual (1.15.7 Access to the GPT Track Files).
*"AthenaJones" Hi Jan. Hoping to solo hike the trail from the beginning of october to the end of january. My goal is not to complete the trail but to explore it until the time runs out. I will need the track files to achieve this. Thankyou for all the information you have provided, its inspiring.
*"Asimo" Hi Jan. I'm currently solo traveling in Patagonia by bike with a packraft for 2 months and for the next 2 months. I learned about the GPT on the way and I'm interresting on several sections. Particularly for packrafting a portion of Río Baker, hiking around Torre de Avallano y glaciar O'Higgins, but also comparing options for hiking and discover more deeply Patagonia between Coyhaique and Puerto Natales.