
GPT82P (Aysen Glacier Trail)

114 bytes añadidos, 2 marzo
Season 2024/25
-Machete was only useful for some overgrown rose bushes and making a trail to avoid Ford 38.5.
-There is another expedition camp ~100m in on the optional look out trail (look out trail doesn't seem to exist)
-The trail on the Rio Nef side was always visable (except for the main pass, where you need to check the gps more often). It was however already over grown with rose bushes up to the abandoned puesto and then slightly overgrown elsewhere with the low-mid height shrubbery. The trail in the Cross section valley was hard to follow visability wise. The trail in the last forest towards the second expedition shelter (labeled as steep part -47.22946, -73.21168 ) was in good condition (proper trail). It did get a little more difficult to follow after the shelter for a short bit.