
GPT17P (Neltume)

1368 bytes añadidos, 7 febrero
Season 2025/26: Anadi section log
==Season 2025/26==
* <span style="background-color:aqua;">'''2025-01-31 to 2025-02-01 / 1 day / Packrafting / SOBO / RP / Lucie and Thomas'''</span>
We chose to go in the water just before the bridge and through Quilimo camping (at -39,70506 -71,90145 ~200m after entrance of the camping where we had a quick stop). This option is not very convenient and we regretted it a bit because we pinched Lucie's packraft. Thankfully we were able to patch it. Crossing the bridge and going down to the small beach seemed to be a better way to the water (although seemed like private land).
Day 1 afternoon: Quilimo camping > amazing camp site at -39,74720 -71,95483, about 3 and half hours (without breaks) with little paddling. The flow was relatively low, with some very easy rapids (the strongest is the first one just after the Quilimo bridge), even with ultra light packraft. Numerous fallen trunks but never hard to avoid. Perfect for watching animals (some visons, a lot of kingfishers, cormorans, and other various birds).
Day 2 morning: camp site to Lago Neltume, about 1 hour and half without any rapids. We went out of the lake at the first camping on the left and hitchhicked to Futrono to skip section 18. From Panguipulli, it seems easier (at least on week ends) to take a bus to Valdivia and then Valdivia-Futrono (1 bus per hour) rather than going through Los Lagos as we did.
* <span style="background-color:aqua;">'''2025-01-16 to 2025-01-17 / X2days / Packrafting / SOBO / RP / Thijmen Scholten'''</span>.