
GPT07 (Laguna Dial)

2300 bytes añadidos, 21 enero
Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
25-01-19 - 25-01-20 / 2 days / SOBO / 01C-01D-01E-RR / Volker
Laguna Maule to Corrizales
Day 1: I combined gpt06 and gpt07 and hitchhiked from La Mina to Laguna Maule. First car - chilean hikers, heading for a waterfall on Rio Campanario, interesting area for further exploration around gpt06 OH2; second: carabineros; they took me to the CL Border Control, their colleagues noted my passport data. Then I went to the Laguna, took a bath and walked these options: 01C-01D-01E. Great views on the Laguna Maule and Cerro Confluencia, then amazing mixture of volcanic landscape and pastures. Chatted a while with an arriero at his Puesto, later the trail crosses 3 times Rio Saso (water only to ankles). Camped 1km before X Camp, 44,6 on a green spot some 100m after a non-indicated puesto, where I took water. After some very scenic, but dusty camp spots on gpt06 a luxury camp.
Day 2: RR to Corrizales. On the MR one of my shoes suffered a sudden death. MR walking was still possible, but any remote mountain trail too high a risk. Close to the settler at 54.2 I met a group of three Chilean day-hikers, who tried to get down to the huge waterfall on Rio de la Puente. I decided to join them and instead of at least 2 days of MR walking (with uncertain perspectives for hitchhiking) to accept the offer for a ride to Talca. It turned out to be impossible to get down to the waterfall. The attempt on two very steep slopes (and in even steeper and densely overgrown creeks) ended at vertical walls. Result of the exploration: there is a path starting (on the orographically right side) at the bridge at 07-03, 38,4. It brings you at least very close to the bottom of the waterfall, the last 100m seemed easy (as far as it was possible to see from the slope on the opposite side of the river - fording perhaps an alternative). After the failed attempt, we walked to the carabineros and were offered coca-cola and sandwiches. Very nice guys (and not the same, that other gpt-hikers met earlier this year, as they rotate every four weeks). Then 40km on a dirt road, more than 2 hours by car on OH 03 to Ruta Pehuenche (Talca-Laguna Maule-Argentina). This is definitively not an option you would like to walk - and one with few chances for hitchhiking (probably better on saturdays or sundays).
* ''' 2024-12-09 to 2024-12-14 / 5,5 day / Hiking / SOBO / OH 01B+OH 01+RR+OH 03A+OH 03+RR+OH 04+RR / Dorota Szparaga '''