
GPT11 (Cerro Dedos)

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=Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=
[[Archivo:GPT 11 to 12.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Connections between GPT11 and GPT12]]
=== Connecting to Section 12 ===
There are a number of different ways to connect Sections 11 and 12. However, none of them have been proven to be faster than descending along the regular route to the valley at 1400m and regaining the elevation along the regular route. There are a few optional routes that promise to be more direct and with less elevation gain, but as of April 2024, based on the trip reports below, they appear to be very difficult and take longer than the regular route. There is one route option which appears to be unexplored, GPT11-04. Please edit the pages of both sections 11 and 12 if you have any updates.
==Season 2025/26==
==Season 2023/24==
2024-03-17 // 1 day // Hiking // NOBO // RR // Quentin Clavel
After the baños of oelehue, it was a bit like a mess for me aha, I just switched from RR, to option 1, 3 and finally reach the pass with the option 2. That was pure CC, on a volcanic plateau and I just follow my instinct more than a GPX file, than I reached horse track from option 2 and continude on it until joining the RR.
On the descent you just find again a animal track that looks so easy to follow after all this CC. You go easily Ans smoothly down, following the valley and finally found a jeep path for the last 15km.
Then you hit the road until arriving to the tiny tiny guallalli. I knew it's gonna be tricky to ressuply there, but I kind of gambled and needed some food from this place.
There 5 houses so it's not hard to have the information. I enter in like a private property parrallele to the escuela. There, I met Pedro, that escorted me to the "mini-tiny-micro shop", just a door ahead.
When I passed there, he had biscuits, chips, lot of sodas, pasta, tomato sauce, tuna, and most important : Dulce de leche !
I was quite happy about that ! I continued my way a bit further and found a place to camp in the bush.
* 2024-03-24 to 2024-03-26 / 2 days? / NOBO / RR, Options 02, 04, 02B, 01 / Fangwen + Tobi