
GPT11 (Cerro Dedos)

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=Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=
[[Archivo:GPT 11 to 12.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Connections between GPT11 and GPT12]]
=== Connecting to Section 12 ===
There are a number of different ways to connect Sections 11 and 12. However, none of them have been proven to be faster than descending along the regular route to the valley at 1400m and regaining the elevation along the regular route. There are a few optional routes that promise to be more direct and with less elevation gain, but as of April 2024, based on the trip reports below, they appear to be very difficult and take longer than the regular route. There is one route option which appears to be unexplored, GPT11-04. Please edit the pages of both sections 11 and 12 if you have any updates.
==Season 2025/26==
==Season 2023/24==
*2024-Feb03-11 to 2024-Feb-13 17 / 2.5 days / SOBO 1 day // Hiking // NOBO // RR A 01 01B 01C 01D/ Matthias de Austria/ Quentin Clavel
Work in progressAfter the baños of oelehue, it was a bit like a mess for me aha, I just switched from RR, to option 1, 3 and finally reach the pass with the option 2. That was pure CC, on a volcanic plateau and I just follow my instinct more than a GPX file, than I reached horse track from option 2 and continude on it until joining the RR.
On the descent you just find again a animal track that looks so easy to follow after all this CC. You go easily Ans smoothly down, following the valley and finally found a jeep path for the last 15km.  Then you hit the road until arriving to the tiny tiny guallalli. I knew it's gonna be tricky to ressuply there, but I kind of gambled and needed some food from this place.  There 5 houses so it's not hard to have the information. I enter in like a private property parrallele to the escuela. There, I met Pedro, that escorted me to the "mini-tiny-micro shop", just a door ahead.  When I passed there, he had biscuits, chips, lot of sodas, pasta, tomato sauce, tuna, and most important : Dulce de leche ! I was quite happy about that ! I continued my way a bit further and found a place to camp in the bush.      * 2024-03-24 to 2024-03-26 / 2 days? / NOBO / RR, Options 02, 04, 02B, 01 / Fangwen + Tobi Combined with Sections 10/11 (~8 days, relaxed). See section 12 for tips on cooking pinones Worth the short detour up to Cerro Dados. A flock (?) of condors make their home on the rock spires, amazing to see them flying up close. Initially, we intended on taking the gully scramble route (option 01), but quickly realized this would be a lot slower. We took the CC way (option 01 as well?) down instead, which was very steep and inconsistently rocky/loose, making slow progress. We conclude that probably the RR would be the fastest of all, despite the extra elevation loss. There's a great swimming hole around KM25 (?) as the stream turns into a gorge below the burnt down forest. *2024-Mar-11 to 2024-Mar-13 / 2.5 days / SOBO / RR A 01 01B 01C 01D 02 (only the ridge part southeast of pass 11-04 5.4km) 02B 04/ Matthias de Austria No snowfields, plenty of (unmarked) water, however at X26.8km last water for a while(not far in distance but time consuming terrain). no No Tabanos, all fordings very easy.
Hot Spring 6.6km. Some cowshit next to it and shallow water, but still nice almost hot water and with the cold river next to it to clean and bath. Campside is full of shit, I put my tent in the sand right next to the firepit, there is also a table!
Camp 25.1 and 26 .1 very windy and hardly any protection. At 25.1 I followed the stream up a bit until its only bushes on both sides. Shortly before there is a big bush with a one tent flat spot next to it almost directly at the stream. I cleaned this spot from the shit, it is a bit protected but was still very windy.
RR route around Puesto 10km seems not accurate anymore. The road goes between RR and A and then turns to and follows A.
Beginning of section is a lot of boring walk on very dusty road.
I loved 01, that CC was demanding and time consuming navigation in steep terrain, but a lot of fun. Most of RR is was easy hikingin the sections before, so this was welcome difference. The crambling clambering on the ridge is short and not hard (difficult level UIAA 1) but lots of lose rocks, so need to be carefullcareful. Some clambering in gullys, it often looked harder from above as it then actually was. Still you need to be really careful and it's going slowly. Very strong and cold winds. First water NOBO at -38,10299,-71.07628. It rained the night before, so I need waited until noon, giving wind and sun time to do more CC variants like thisdry the area, as I would only recommend 01 in good weather conditions!  There is no hotspring at 11-01C 1.7km. The spring is at 11-02B 1.2km. It is warm and with an amazing view, but quite shallow and muddy, still nice to sit in. A small narrow stream of clean cold water nearby but no pool.I camped next to the spring, there is a stonewalled campside, but no other protection. Next day I went up to Cerro Dedos and hiked the ridge to the southeast. Well worth it, but the winds were very strong and cold. Shortly before the peak of Dedos it is easy walking, the last few meters is light climbing. There are 2 peaks, the higher one is a bit harder and very exposed on top, the lower one is easier and has plenty of flat space and a stoneguy on it. Coming from the east first you will see only the higher peak, but you can easily hike around it was great
*2024 Feb 19 to Feb 26 / 8 days / Hiking / SOBO / Opt 5A, Opt 5B, Opt 5, detour to Laguna Blanca / Michael and Kaisa