
GPT39 (Monte Fitzroy)

3386 bytes añadidos, 5 abril
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*2024-Apr-03 to 2024-Apr-05 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + OH 1 + B + OSM Trail to Laguna Sucia / Joscha
I combined Section 37, 38 and 39. It took me 10.5 days including 2.5 days waiting at Bahia Pescado for the ferry. I left a bag with food in Villa O'Higgins which the ferry brought me. And I could store food at the chilenian Border station. Therefore I never had to cary food for more than 5 days.
Day 1: RR [0.0-31.8] + OH39-01 + OH39-B [0.6-0.2]
I arrived at the southern end of lago de desierto at noon. I hiked for about 2 hours on the primary road until I got a hitch to the start of OH39-01. Its probably easier to get a hitch in the afternoon. At Laguna Piedras Blancas is a sign that the area around the Laguna is dangerous and it's forbidden to go to the Laguna. The sidetrail to the Laguna is a rock scramble. Because of wind and rain I did not went to the Laguna. But its possible to see the glacier without scrambling up to the Laguna (its also possible to see the glacier from the RR) and the rest of the trail is in good condition as well. I camped at the campsite Poincenot [39.4+0.2].
Day 2: OH39-B [0.2-2.6] + OSM Trail to Laguna Sucia + RR [39.4-49.4]
I went up to the Laguna de los Tres for sunrise with about 50 other hikers. The trail is officially closed for the season, but nobody cares. It was a little icy, but doable without spikes. I returned to the campsite Poincenot and went to the Laguna Sucia on the OSM trail. This trail is also officially closed, because it is suposed to be to dangerous. The last few hundred meters to the Laguna is a rock scramble, but in good conditions pretty easy. During the rock scramble you can go on both sides of the river. I liked the southern side a little more, even though the OSM trail is on the northern side. I can really recommend Laguna Sucia. Only few people and in my opinion more impressive than Laguna de los Tres. After that I returned to the RR and went to Laguna Torre. I camped at the Campsite D' Agostini at km 49.4.
Day 3: RR [49.4-59.4]
Easy walk to El Chalten.
* 2024 Ma 20 to 22 / 3 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Juliette and Martin
Day 1 : Argentinian gendarmeria - Punta Sur
A small day with only a walk along the lago Desierto. Approximatly 5 hours of walk. Nice points of view on the fitz Roy. We sleeped at the « Hosteria y restaurante Punta sur »… It’s 48 000 argentinian pesos for a two people room with a breakfast included (and it’s allowed us to dry our stuff). There is a camping on the side with a small refuge inside in case of rain for 14 000 pesos per people.
Day 2 : Punta Sur - Camp Poincenot
We hitchhiked to skip the road to hike less (because of a foot pain). The detour to the Laguna Piedras Blancas worth it, but the ascenption to the lake on huge rock took us à long time, despite the low distance. Camping poincenot was crowded, but we didn’t heard of any mice.
Day 3 : camp Poincenot - El Chalten
Wake up early to contemplate to sun rise from the Lago los Tres. The ascenption from the camp is an hour long, easy beaucause overrun and the trail is maitained. A lot of people do the same (almost 20 or 30 I would say). It’s really beautiful, espacially if you have a good weather. Walking on the most famous trail around the fitz roy is really différent from the GPT. The trailed arouned Cerro Torre is really easy and overrun.
*2024-Mar-08 to 2024-Mar-09/ 1.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + Opt 01 + Var B+D / Matthias
Day 1: Argentine Border Control – near Rio Electrico:
Started at the Argentine Border Control at 14:00. (I stayed the night before in Candelario Mancilla, GPT38). It took me 3:45h of straight walking to reach the road on the southern end of the lake. Got a ride from there at 18:15 to the bridge over Rio Electrico. On OSM there was a camping indicated there, which does not exist. Due to the beginning darkness, I camped near the path of Option01 2km from the bridge – very windy night.
Day 2: near Rio Electrico - Laguna Piedras Blancas - Laguna de Los Tres - Laguna Torre - El Chalten
A very (too) long day due to a bad weather forecast for the following days. Option 1 is very nice though officially closed because in one season there had ocurred 18 accidents and one person dying. (Information of park ranger Miguel at whose house I stayed in ElChalten). Was lucky to see Fitz Roy from Laguna Piedras Blancas!
It is very interesting to see how the tourists concentrate to certain hot spots all over the world. On the path to Laguna de Los Tres I “met” probably more people (hundreds) than on my whole 60 day GPT hike before!