
GPT07 (Laguna Dial)

2658 bytes añadidos, 6 marzo
Season 2023/24
*2024-Feb-16 to 2024-Feb- 24 / 8.5 days / SOBO / / Matthias de Austria
Bus from Talca to El Medano 12:30. Hitchhike up to Laguna del Maule with 3 cars, reach lake at 16:00.Work in progressWater: plenty, lots of unmarked sources, never carried more then 1 or 2 liters. Low amount of Tabanos.No snowfields, all fordings very easy. Weather warm and sunny, except 1 day of rain and cold temperature.
Quite a few closed gates, all easy to open.
Camp at 44.6 is bad, small stream nearby along a cowshitmeadow. Rabbit holes in camp and all full of rabbit poo.
Don't follow the RR at -36.063395, -70.834222 but instead the road. RR leads to a new massive fence with no gate and hard to climb at around Gpt07-01h End.
Shop in Carrizales, 58.2, was open at early sunday afternoon. Tiny room with a few mostly empty shelfs. Got some sugary stuff and a beer. Local police guy was there too, very friendly, name is Matias, great him from me when your there or at the local police station you will walk by earlier on RR.
Ford 60.3 has a small log bridge. Warm spring F was totally worth it for me and I spent a few hours there, however if you come from the south you might be disappointed - the hot spring in Gpt 8 is way better. Camp 62.5 was good beside the usuall cow/horseshit. Mid February Rio Guaiquivilo had nice swimming options around -36.20990,-70.90613 and a bit further south. The fording for cars and horses is at -36.271860,-70.923030. Water levels where mostly low and current tame, lots of options to cross.
1kg goat cheese at Irmas for 13500 peso, very delicious, no bred. 3 big white aggressive barking shepperd dogs few hundred meters before Irmas surrounding me and come very close, keep them at distance with my hiking poles.
Around -36.30252,-70.91928 it was very swampy. Friendly police at 92.7, water to refill and got a soda. Laguna Dial was nice for swimming, but very windy from noon to nightfall. Water at 116.3 was dry, but shortly after theres enough water. Rio Cisternas was partly dry, but at camps 116,5 and 114.9 had plenty of water - just not inbetween. No pools though. Warm spring 124.6 isn't worth it, way too tiny. Bridge 137.6 is gone, but dry feet crossing was possible by jumping ovee the rocks under the destroyed Bridge. Little shop in Puente El Inglés was open in the evening and had eggs, noodles, beer, icecream, lots of sugarystuff (don't buy that white packaged and the black packaged chocolate stuff in the backwall of the shop, big package but almost empty inside. Total scam. They had no bred in the evening nor in the next morning, but said in the afternoon bred would be available.
Nice section, best for me was the warm spring and laguna Dial. Spent a lot of time bathing and swimming and just enjoy the view. No difficulties.
Work in progress.
*Feb-1-2024 to Feb-6-2024 / 5 days / SOBO / Oh3, RR, Var H, RR / Matthieu