
GPT25H (Aldea Escolar)

895 bytes añadidos, 25 febrero
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2023-02-13 to 2023-02-13 // 1 day // Hiking // NOBO // VARIANT H + RR // Quentin Clavel
I started from Trevelin (was going a bit further than aldea escolar on last section to resupply, have comfort in hostal and enjoy great food in a bigger city), I took the variant H then I continue on the RR.
It was a crazy hot day and there were unfortunately not a lot of trees to get some shadow. The section is pretty easy to follow. A bit overgrown on some rare part, and with these horrible spiky little plants that stay stuck in your shoes, socks and legs.
You'll pass threw a whole area that has been destroyed by fire few years ago, strange and sad atmosphere.
Then you reach the very nice Lago futalaufquen, as a gift for ending this little section !
Following the RR avoid you the entrance of the parc. So no need to pay. And I haven't been checked by guardaparque inside the park.
==Season 2022/23==