
GPT36H (Ruta De Los Pioneros)

944 bytes añadidos, 19 febrero
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
2024-Feb-13 to 2024-Feb-18 / 6 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Yannick & Nolwenn & Tess & Lukas
- Trail condition : good condition, a lot of fallen trees that slows you down but not really bad / the trail was not muddy as we had good sunny days
- Water : lots of rivers and lagunas
- Camping spot : the refugio at km 126,1 has been destroyed by a tree so we camped closer to the lake amongst the trees // at km 148,6 The refugio is really nice, we could make a fire and have a great night before heading the next day to O'Higgins on the long gravel road
- Weather : sunny and a little bit of rain
- River crossing : easy, the river Bravo was not too high and not too strong so we didn't take the variant D
- Resupply : in Cochrane everything you need
- Overall : we were lucky to have an easy hitchike for the first 20km and for the last 7km // we also liked this section that offers really different landscapes and you feel really remote
From 2024-01-06 to 2024-01-12 // 6,5 days // Hiking // NOBO // RR + OPT D // Quentin Clavel