
GPT16 (Volcan Quetrupillan)

866 bytes añadidos, 12:54 11 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* 7.2.-10.2.2024, NOBO, Hiking, 4 days, czimahi
from Liquiñe by road and the direction Trancas Negras; Join RR, Bridge 16 (5 - no bridge; night in camp without water. Next day to Laguna Azul and by 16-01 to laguna Avutardas (camp before 34,7) lots of water on the way till the last indicated. next day to Puesco camping on road (with artesanal beer), then going back to Conaf to 16-01. by the level of camp Puesco there is a bridge but closed by gate, easy to cross by left side, i decided not to go but then I was in that place, the way is just here. Just one spiny fence without any gate on the way.
If you go just the larger "road" for a car you will get join to the 16-01 which in some case is marked by some horse trail or something like this - I returned thinking I'm lost but I would get the route. In Trancura a car stopped me and took me to Curarrehue.
* 2024-01-28 to 2024-01-31: Fangwen and Tobi / 4 days Villarrica traverse