
GPT17H (Liquine)

8202 bytes añadidos, 15:32 21 ene 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*2024-Jan-20 to 2024-Jan-21 / 1.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / {17H-A} - {17H-B} - RR - {17H-D} - RR / Lilian
{17H-A} km0 : Settlement, shop[66.5/237] : small shop, a little pricey but good stock for resupply, very friendly. ( I think the shops in Liquiñe is much pricey too)
Km1.55 : two tiny shops here. (-39.70430, -71.86316)
Then i joined RR.
RR km0.95 : tiny shop. (-39.71282, -71.85403)
Km1.95 : tiny shop. (-39.72135, -71.85373)
Then i take {17H-B} keep going on the main road.
{17H-B} km0.55 : two small shop and one tiny shop just beside the "Liquiñe" waypoint. Lot of food resupply options, also some restaurants nearby.
Km1.3 : junction of RR and {17H-B}, a tiny shop here(-39.74016, -71.85511), if you want to cross Río Liquiñe to hot spring, it is the correct place. Ask the staff in shop, and they'll find somebody to row the boat for you.
RR ferry[5.7/237] : if noone here, ask at the tiny shop beside the road. As they said, looks like the earliest time for rowing boat is 9:30am, until maybe 8pm? Because i crossed here at 8pm. I'm not sure how much for the boat, maybe 500 CLP, but i paid 1000 CLP because I arrived here too late, and the guy need to go to some place else for finding the key to unlock the boat for me.
Walking on a clear path to Termas Punulaf. The price for camping in 2024 is 20,000 CLP. The hot spring looks like a swimming pool, that of course hot spring water, with perfect temperature. About the camping, picnic table, light, a line for hanging clothes, sandy spot, toilet and covered by a shelter.
Soaking the hot spring in early morning, sit beside the inlet for relaxing, it makes a good start of a new day!
It is the HIGHLIGHT of GPT16's ending or start of GPT17, don't miss it!
Km6.3 : tiny shop(-39.74271, -71.85464).
Lucky me, get two rides from X,shop[7.1/308] to gate[12.0/801] directly!
Km10.95 : bus stop, maybe bus comes to here?
Gate[12.0/801] : talk with a young guy at here, register some basic information but no fee need to pay, he also fill up my water bottle, thank you to him!
From here to km13.4(Laguna Ancacoihue), steep climb up but very easy to follow, just follow some red sticks to go, lot of benches for rest, handrail if you need and some nice viewpoint platforms. The viewpoint at (-39.77073, -71.86505), beautiful platform with Chile flag, background are Volcán Villarrica, Lanín and the valley of Liquiñe, such a amazing picture!
When you arrive Laguna Ancacoihue maybe a little confused where is the trail to go. Trail is under blowdowns now for a few meters. Walk a little close to the lake(no need wet feet) and go around the fence that covered by blowdowns, a nice trail(road) is beside the fence.
After you follow the road walking about 5-10 min, you'll find some Red Bird sign(Huglo Huglo) and white red print at tree. They'll leads you to the Lago Quilmo(km17.4), follow them! If you see a white red print "X", it means "this is a wrong way".
Km13.7 : camping spot with fire ring, log sests, benches, picnic table. Still some more flat spots in 100m south.
Km15.6 : junction of RR and {17H-C}, a white red print "X" and lot sticks are put on the way to north.
Km15.8 : junction of RR and {17H-D}, RR is blocked by many huge blowdowns, Red Bird and white red print is at {17H-D}, also the road looks clear, so go for it.
{17H-D} km0.1 : sky blue ribbon start, it'll leads you the way too.
Km1.45 : Junction. Red Bird and white red print at left side go around the lake at east side, sky blue ribbon at right follow RR at west side. Go for RR.
Rejoin RR, and there are some blowdowns on RR at here too, i think {17H-D} is replaced RR completely.
Gate RR[17.4/995] : no gate.
Km18.05 : an empty hut(-39.79772, -71.84869) without door and windows, wooden floor is in good condition and clean. Looks like can used for staying away from bad weather.
Refuge[18.2/978] : The cabin? Hut? Is already burnt down. Just leave a burn out area and and an empty small hut, but lot of trash and dirty inside. The hut at previous is much better.
Lake,no camp[18.2/978] : at least five fire pit a very small area. Why don't people just use other's old pit? Burning another green area is fun?
The water condition at here is better than Laguna Ancacoihue.
Km18.45 : four way junction, met Red Bird and white red print agian, but we still follow the sky blue ribbon.
X[18.9/1016] : junction to Laguna Chan Chan, Red Bird and white red print on the way to Laguna Chan Chan, follow sky blue ribbon and turn right here.
X[19.9/927] : sky blue ribbon go right. New colour, orange ribbon go left for RR. No more sky blue ribbon on your hike.
Water?[20.3/942] : no water here.
Ford[21.9/994] : beautiful water! A bridge here now. Crystal clear swimming pool at just downstream, nice spot for hot day. Some huge blowdowns help you go down to the pool.
Km23.15 : Red Bird again, follow it and orange ribbon all the way to Pozo de Oro.
Bridge,camp[25.0/1212] : bridge for cars already broken, just left a exciting log here. Better turn right go down for board bridge crossing. I didn't see any flat or camping spot. Water flowing slowly.
Km25.9 : views of Volcán Mocho (very little).
Km26 : road turns to a single track trail gradually.
Bridge,camp[27.5/1026] : bridge for cars already broken too. Cross by a log bridge now. Water flowing good and slowly. Grassland can fit 1-2 tents before go down for the crossing.
After some forest tunnel, you'll arrive Pozo de Oro, camping spot can fit many tents covered by tall trees, with fire ring, benches and picnic table. Also it is close to the lake.
Ford[31.0/610] : dry feet crossing, another crossing after here 100m, above ankle, or you can log crossing at 30m downstream.
Lake,camp[31.1/672] : sandy spot can fit 1 tent under a tree with lake views, i met some friendly locals driving their boat to here when i camped at weekends. Sleep with the peacey lake wave is great!
Keep follow Red Bird and orange ribbon for a little more.
Km31.4 : three way junction, DON'T follow orange ribbon climb up at right side, going straight on left side.
Km31.5 : three way junction, RR is turn left going down, OSM have a trail going right climb up for short cut. RR is in better condition, but OSM one is also good condition and much shorter. It'll connect RR at km31.75. And Red Bird start here.
Km31.75 : four way junction, if you follow OSM trail, turn right and climb up. If you follow RR, go straight and climb up.
After about 300m, Red Bird and white red print again! You can follow them, but they are not so frequently like before, also will disappear after a while.
Water[34.0/646] : grassland can fit 1-3 tents before the beautiful water, it is flowing low but clear and taste good. After here, trail becomes a dirt road.
Km34.3 : The wooden platform that Coline & Hermann slept still in progress about 70%, have windows and door, already locked up.
Km34.5 : huge flat area beside the beach under some trees, (car) camping spot.
Bridge[34.9/630] : log bridge crossing, (car) camping spot about 50m before it.
Km35.0 - km35.2: Camping Gratis, huge beautiful grassland (car) camping spot, i saw about 20 cars and many tents at Sunday morning. Spot covered by trees is loved by cars, hiker better camping at km35.2, no trees and car campers don't like it.
Km35.3 : some more (car) camping spot here, close to beach.
About the ferry and time schedule in 2024,
Tourist information center (-39.87183, -71.88962), you can buy the ferry tickets to Puerto Pirehueico at here, 1150 CLP one way. They also help me charging the power bank, super thank you to them!
Ferry from Puerto Fuy to Puerto Pirehueico:
Monday(07:00,13:30,18:00), Tuesday to Thursday(09:00,13:30,18:00), Friday(07:00,12:30,17:00), Saturday and Sunday(08:00,12:30,17:00)
Ferry from Puerto Pirehueico to Puerto Fuy:
Monday(09:00,16:00,20:30), Tuesday to Thursday(11:30,16:00,20:30), Friday(09:00,15:00,19:30), Saturday and Sunday(10:30,15:00,19:30)
Resupply in Puerto Fuy,
(-39.87307, -71.89179) : small shop.
(-39.87373, -71.89390) : tiny shop.
It is a tourist town, so lot of accommodation here, cabins or campground. Also some nice restaurants too.
*2024-05-01 / 1,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR from Liquine Alto / Jens