
GPT33P (Rio Ibanez)

2195 bytes añadidos, 17 marzo
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*2024-Feb-23 / 1 day / Packrafting / SOBO / RP / Lauren & Seb
Rio Ibáñez was a moderately fast flowing and enjoyable ride. A welcomed change of scenery, we paddled down reddish-brown canyons with the glacier view of Cerro Castillo behind us. It was a remote and beautiful little stretch.
There was one tricky spot in the upper part of the river. At -46.13556, -72.15561 we stayed on the very left, going down between the rocks to avoid being pushed to the outside of the right bend. The rest of the river was easy going.
The entire way the deep water channel is quite narrow and hard to see in the murky water. Follow the outsides of the meandering river to catch the mainstream, but you will still have occasional ground contact.
At the river-out point, stick to the turquoise waters to avoid the sandbanks and approach the MR. For the portage, we had decided not to deflate the packraft but it was a painful mistake for our big 2-seater. We got a bunch of micro holes from the thorny bushes which we only realised later when disinfecting our boat.
Shortly before Puerto Ingenerio Ibáñez, winds got too strong and we were not able to paddle the last U-turn as it pushed us against the riverbanks. We got out at -46.28599, -71.96618, deflated, crossed the airstrip and made our way to town.
*2023-Dec-18 / 1 day / Packrafting / SOBO / RR / Tom Pieper
I think this section deserves definitely more emphasis! The landscape changes dramatically here after Section 32. The green forests are gone and give rise to an impressive red-brown canyon landscape with little oasis in between. On a good day the views back to cerro Castillo are just magnificent. Also the river speed was swift and you can easily make it in one day to Puerto Ibanez. The sandbanks can be avoided if you stick to the slightly more turquoise waters. I did not deflated the packraft at the portage and just carried it on my back. Keep care of the thorny Calafate bushes when you ascend the sandy dune at the beginning of the portage. The sand can be somehow wearisome here.
==Season 2022/23==
==Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns==
* Puerto Ibanez: Pirámide Hostal B&B is a nice and cheap place top stay (25.000 Pesos including breakfast). Veronica is a very friendly host.
==Resupply and Accommodation along the Route==