
Greater Patagonian Trail track files

593 bytes añadidos, 12:46 12 nov 2023
List of requests: I have added my request for the gpx files.
Use the format:
*'''Piotr Szatkowski''' Hello Jan, primarily I would like to say thank you for the massive amount of dedication you put into creating the whole guide. The quality of it, the precision everything is described with is very impressive.
I would like to kindly ask you if you could share with me the KMZ/GPX Files.
I am incredibly humbled to be able to discover the beauty of the regions of Patagonia. Can't wait into immerse in to this journey of solitude.
I will be starting in end of December for section and or 2 heading south. Will probably hike for 2 months. I am not sure how long exactly.
*'''Ella Meyer''' Hi Jan, I am planning to walk parts of the GPT as part of a project studying and documenting people's relationships to water along long-distance trails. As per your suggestion when we talked on the phone one year ago, I would like to hike Sections 1-12. I may also skip to Sections 21, 22, 63 and 69. I am hoping to depart Southbound around late December (2023). I am very excited to embark on this journey, and welcome anyone else planning on hiking these sections to connect with me (contact info can be found on my website