
GPT32 (Cerro Castillo)

740 bytes añadidos, 03:25 7 sep 2023
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
*05-Apr-2023 / Hiking / SOBO / Martin & Helena
Starting from Villa Frei in the late afternoon, we made it on that day to the turn before Lago La Paloma, where we camped right behind a fence, before a little river, that you need to cross to follow the RR. There are 2 settlements, but still far enough, so no problem. You have to cross one fence and a gate on the way up. To avoid right-of-way conflict, we followed Cristopher & Anna's advice (thanks guys!) and turned right after the first gate behind the beginning of the optional trail. From there you just need to follow MR, cross a few gates and you will end up on a fenced field with bee hives on one side. Crossing them will take you directly to RR, so no bush-bashing is necessary.
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