
GPT26 (Carrenleufu)

3 bytes añadidos, 00:27 6 sep 2023
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
*There are limited resupply, accommodation and transport options in Aldea Escolar at the northern end of the section. Much better options exist in Palena at the southern end. Plus there are other decent possibilities en route in Carrenleufú.
*La Anonima supermarket in Trevelin. Small shop in Aldea Escolar. Three small shops in Carrenleufu. Several shops in Palena.
*You can get camping gas in Trevelin & Esquel. Also in Palena at ferreteria & shop across from post office.
*Banco Estado on the central square in Palena has an ATM, it's accessible when the bank is closed