
GPT01 - Cerro Purgatorio

1256 bytes añadidos, 11:48 7 abr 2023
Access to Route
=Access to Route=
* Access to Metro Puente Alto
'''Plaza De Puente Alto''' is an underground metro station and the southern terminal station of Line 4 of the Santiago Metro network. Underground trains run frequently between 6 am in the morning and 11 pm in the evening.
Calculate 1 hour from the city centre to the terminal station Puente Alto.
From Plaza De Puente Alto buses leave to most towns and villages in the Maipo valley and the surrounding area. (2019)
If you don't want to walk the first 13KM of the regular route on the road then get bus MB73 from Puente Alto.
* Access to Alternative Start Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo
From Plaza De Puente Alto the following buses get you close to '''Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo''':
* Bus 978 towards Rio Clarillo (this is the best option, gets you the closest to the entrance to the reserve)
* Bus MB-74 towards El Principal De Pirque (last stop is here: 33.7290444S, 70.5371567W)
* Bus MB-80 towards El Principal De Pirque
Buses are frequent and calculate 1 hour for the bus ride. (2019)
* Access and Return to/from El Melocoton
From Plaza De Puente Alto the following bus gets you to '''El Melocoton''' in the Maipo valley: Bus MB-72B
Buses are frequent and calculate a bit over 1 hour for the bus ride. (2019)
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=