
GPT12 - Río Rahue

344 bytes añadidos, 19:54 10 mar 2022
Access to Route and Return
*If skipping section 13-15:
We went from Pucón to Temuco, but it seems to be the long way around. It might be worth it to ask around in Pucón whether there is a rural bus to Curacautin, and from there to Lonquimay, as that seems way faster on the map - alternatively it could be possible hitching this route.
Update 2022, Feb
Bus from Santiago - Terminal Sur to Lonquimay leaving at 21:40 and arriving around 8:00
Company : Jet Sur
$26.000 for semi-cama
Commentaries : really comfortable, nice and professional people, USB-plugs, I took it on Sunday night, it was the only one on Sunday, I don't know if there are some on the other days
===Access to Start===