
ENG:Cerro La Campana

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[[Category:Parche Cordillera de la Costa]]
[[Archivo:Vista desde la cumbre del Cerro La Campana.jpg|frame|center|Vista desde la cumbre del View from the summit of Cerro La Campana hacia el Esteto the East. Visible el on [[Cerro El Roble]]. Diciembre de December 2016]]
|Primer Autor=[[User:Jupa‎|Juan Pablo Ortega]]
|Imágen Principal=Cerro La Campana_.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Cara Este del East side of Cerro La Campana desde la ruta from the route [[Caleu - Olmué por el Cordón de los Penitentes]]. Noviembre de Nov. 2009
From the goal of Conaf (approx 400m), the ascent of the mountain normally begins, although with a good all-terrain it is possible to continue climbing much more, even to La Mina (1265m) if the path allows it.
[[File: La Mina La Campana Mine.JPG | thumb | La Mina, maximum possible vehicle and last source of water. December 2016]]
[[File: Robles La Campana.JPG | thumb | Pleasant hike under the oak forest after La Mina]]
[[File: Cerro La Campana 2.JPG | thumb | Path immediately after Darwin's Plate]]
[[File: Zorro Culpeo.jpg | thumb | Culpeo Fox in Trekking Cerro La Campana. Photo: Carlos Ancatén González]]
[[File: Cumbre La Campana.jpg | thumb | Cerro La Campana Summit. Photo: Carlos Ancatén González]]
[[File: Llegando_a_la_cima.jpg | thumb | Arriving at the top. In the background, [[Mount Monte Aconcagua]].]][[File: Summit-Cerro-La-Campana.jpg | thumb | Summit of Cumbre del Cerro La Campana]]
== Description of the route ==
[[File: Mapa_cerro_la_campana.jpg | thumb | center | 750px | Map of trails of Cerro La Campana, by Gregor.]]
131.JPG | Summit of Cerro La Campana. Image: Francisco Contreras
Senderos_por_Granizo _-_ CONAF_oficial _-_ JPEG_298kb.jpg | Trails by Hail - Official CONAF October 2016
Plate of Placa de Darwin, Cerro La Campana.JPG | Plate of Darwinplate, Cerro La Campana
La_campana_desde_valparaiso.jpg | La Campana from the bay of Valparaíso. Image: Celindo Gonzalez A.
Caleu - Olmue by the Cord of the Penitentspor el Cordón de los Penitentes.JPG | Nearly complete view of the [[Caleu - Olmué | crossing Caleu - Olmué through the Cord of the Penitents]] from the summit of Cerro La Campana. December 2016Rayados summit cumbre Cerro La Campana.JPG | Shabby scratches on the summit of Cerro La Campana. December 2016Top of the bellCima de la campana.jpg | Resting on the summit of La Campana
Fotoot.jpg | View of Cerro La Campana from the palmar of Ocoa
La Campana Roble.JPG | Cerro La Campana from [[Cerro El Roble]]. May 2012
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{{Trekkings Chile}}