
ENG:Neozelandes Camp, RN Cerro Castillo

4822 bytes añadidos, 22:15 22 dic 2018
Página creada con «{{Google Translate}} Category:Parche_Trapananda {{indexada}} {{RutaForme |Actividad=Trekking |País=Chile |CiudadesChile=Coyhaique |BellezaEscenica=Impresionante |Atrac...»
{{Google Translate}}
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Glaciar, Bosque, Formación Geológica, Parque Nacional
|Duracion=2 días
|RequiereHabilidadTrek=No requiere
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
|Primer Autor=[[Usuario:Hellwigtobi|Tobias Hellwig]]
|Imágen Principal=Punta_Duff.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Vista de la Punta Duff, una de las tantas impresionantes montañas de roca que rodean el valle del Campamento Neozelandés. Foto: [[Usuario:Hellwigtobi|Tobias Hellwig]].
[[Archivo:Perfil_altitud.png|thumb|Perfil de altitudes del sendero. Notar el gran desnivel de 900 metros verticales. Click para agrandar]][[Archivo:Sendero_Valle_Parada.jpg|thumb|Sendero subiendo por el valle del Estero Parada rumbo al Campamento Neozelandés. Atrás asoma el Cerro Palo y Cerro Chocolate. Foto: Fabian Hellwig]]
[[Archivo:Sendero_en_Bosque_Valle_Parada.jpg|thumb|Sendero al interior del bosque de Lengas pasado el campamento Porteadores. Foto: Fabian Hellwig]]
[[Archivo:Claro_antes_de_Campamento_Neozelandés.jpg|thumb|Claro en el bosque antes de llegar al Campamento Neozelandés. El Cerro del Fondo es la Punta Duff. Foto: Fabian Hellwig]]
== General Description ==
World famous is Cerro Cerro Castillo, clear star of the eyes of all visitors to the reserve of the same name. However, behind this colossus there is a valley that dazzles with great mountains of rock and fantastic landscapes. It is the valley of the estuary Parada, which, because it is usually at the end of the [[Cerro Castillo Circuit]] is overlooked by most of the walkers. However, this valley deserves the detour or even be the objective of an own excursion to enjoy this fantastic world of mountains.

The New Zealand Camp is also the base camp to ascend to all the mountains of the sector; Cerro Palo, Cerro Chocolate, Punta Duff and Cerro Castillo, among many others.

== Appropriate time ==
All year. In the summer months, the trail is clearly marked in the forest, while in winter it is common for snow cover the forest from the Porters' Camp, being recommended only in case of having the necessary equipment and experience for these conditions.

== Access ==
[[File: Cerros_Palo_y_Chocolate_desde_Neozelandes.jpg | thumb | 400px | Cerros Palos y Chocolate seen from the estuary stop next to the New Zealander Camp. Photo: Fabian Hellwig]]
{{Acceso neozelandes}}

== Description of the route ==
{{Ruta neozelandes}}

=== Expected Time ===
The ascent to the New Zealand Camp will take about 4.5 hours of walking including their respective breaks to enjoy the landscape. It is possible to make the excursion for the day from Cerro Castillo, however it is recommended to consider two days due to the demanding of the route, which has a total height of almost 1000 vertical meters.

[[File: Final_del_Valle_Parada.jpg | thumb | View of the end of the Estero Valley Stop above the New Zealand Camp from the top of Cerro Chocolate. Note that Laguna Duff is frozen and covered in snow.]]

== Permits / Rates ==
Although the Estero Parada valley is part of the Cerro Castillo National Reserve, there is no control of CONAF in access to this trail. However, it is recommended to record the visit and pay the entrance to the park administration located on the road Coyhaique - Villa Cerro Castillo after the Chiguay lagoon. In the New Zealand Camp it is likely to find CONAF park rangers.

{{Plantilla:Tarifas castillo}}

== Hire Guides ==
{{Guias castillo}}

== Recommendations ==
{{checklist|Checklist de equipo tipo 4: ruta de baja altitud, sin nieve ni frío, con acampe}}

* Take your trash and whatever you find. No one else will do it for you.
* Avoid making fire. If necessary, extreme precautions due to strong winds and abundant plant matter. These forests have still been saved from fires. Do not be the one to burn them!

== Photo Gallery ==
File: Valle_Río_Ibañez_desde_sendero.jpg| View of the Ibañez River Valley after the first sharp turn (Zig-Zag).
File: Campamento_Neozelandes_Invierno.jpg| Arrival at the New Zealand Winter Camp: August 2017.
File: Cerro_Castillo_desde_Campamento_Neozelandés.jpg| The needles of Cerro Castillo seen from the New Zealander Camp in August of 2017. Photo: [[User: Hellwigtobi | Tobias Hellwig]]
File: Campamento_Neozelandes_2.jpg| New Zealander camp under big Lengs that protect from strong winds. Photo: Marco Poblete
</ gallery>

{{Trekkings Chile}}