
Greater Patagonian Trail

1845 bytes añadidos, 21:38 20 jul 2017
Zone C: Zona Pehuenche
Volcanos are the other defining element with some being quite active. So don’t be surprised if you see clouds of dark smoke rising into the sky. The soil you are walking on is mainly volcanic ash from past eruptions reminding you of the powers that you are surrounded by.
====Zone D: Zona Ríos y Lagos Chilenos====
This zone has two very different faces. The majority of the trail dives though the twilight of lush green tempered rainforest with some remaining old growth forests. The dense forest tears open along the clear cold rivers that constantly refill deep blue lakes and the renowned Patagonian fjords.
The other so different face of this zone is the volcanic lunar landscape. Two extended volcanic areas rise out of the rainforest with the last major eruption occurring in 2011. The trail climbs up and out of the rainforest to traverse wide fields of grey ash and snake around massive streams of black lava boulders. You can summit the volcanos and stare into a wide open crater. The contrast between the engulfing forest and the hostile volcanic terrain is mind-blowing.
With this zone the packraft dreamland begins. You can cover about a third of the distance on water floating down calm river, crossing immense lakes and even paddling in the Patagonian fjords.
In this zone the climate cools considerably and rain become more frequent. But where the trail remains in the forest you are less exposed than in the zones further north. Only the two volcano crossings get you high up in open terrain where condition can turn hostile even in mid-summer if you are hit by bad weather.
You will see the effects of a wide variety of trail maintenance throughout this zone. In parts you have well maintained forest roads; then you walk on frequently used horse trails but in a few parts you need to fight your way through overgrown terrain.
Crossing through the “private for profit natural reserve” Huilo-Huilo on section GPT18 can be complicated by private guards. Without a packraft you need to organize a private boat transfer over the Lago Todos Los Santos with one of the settlers on the trail.
While you move through the homeland of the Pehuenche you will notice a gradual change of the flora. In the north the forest is rather open with large treeless areas in between, often the result of fire clearing. As you move south the annual precipitation increases and so does the vegetation. When going southbound you will leave this unique zone while walking through lush overgrown forest.