
Greater Patagonian Trail

5 bytes eliminados, 14:28 29 jun 2017
I leave it to others to create a new trail that may start in Santiago and explores the Andes northbound. The Precordillera in the vicinity of Santiago offers some very attractive trails but a longer trail starting at Santiago de Chile or on a similar latitude in Argentina is probably a bigger challenge than creating the GPT; at least if based on the same principles that I applied to the GPT: feasible and attractive for hiking and minimal road walking on routes with transit traffic. North of Santiago the Andes are very high and you either need to climb into really thin air and rocky terrain or you evade to the east or the west into the semi-desert on either side of the Andes. In my research I could simply not find similar suitable trails and the existing gravel roads are no option in my eyes. Most hikers that set themselves the goal to cross Chile or Argentina took primarily roads and this is what cautions me. But the challenge is out. You may go for it!