
Greater Patagonian Trail

503 bytes añadidos, 22:39 23 may 2017
GPT Sections
===GPT Sections===
The current main trail is divided into 40 connecting sections. These 40 sections are between 36 km and 200 km long. Every of these section connects seamless with the following section and starts and ends near a road or village with public transportation. Therefore each section can be hiked individually or several sections can be combined into a longer journey with connecting footsteps.  A further extension of the trail all the way to the southern tip of the continent is still be planned. This southern extension to Cabo Forward will add another 10 sections.  I'm also incorporating alternative routes that open up additional parallel routes i.e. for a long round trip by packraft in northern and central Patagonia that combines some of the finest packrafting of the region. Most of these additional sections are connected with the other section but are not in line with them.
==Section Attractiveness and Difficulty Rating==