
ENG:Villarrica Traverse

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[[ES:Villarrica Traverse]]
|País=Chile (english)
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Bosque, Lago, Laguna, Parque Nacional
|DuraciónDuracion=3 días|Dificultad Física=Exigente|Dificultad Técnica=Media
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|DistanciaLatitud1=43400-39,393318|DesnivelLongitud1=-71,962592|Distancia=2130 metros72700|MetrosAscenso=2982|MetrosDescenso=3437
|Comentarios distancia=
|Primer Autor=Hans Liechti, Travelaid
|Imágen Principal=Laguna_Azul.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Laguna Azul. Imagen:[ Hans Liechti, Travelaid] |m=
|ComentariosMapa=Villarrica Traverse
[[Imagen:Volcan_Villarrica_desde_subida_en_Chinay.jpg|thumb|left|Volcan Villarrica desde subida en Chinay. Imagen: [ Hans Liechti, Travelaid] ]]
The trail Challupén – Chinay starts in the last curve 200 meters before the Ski Center. There is a big informative sign with a map. Here we are above the limit of the forest, and the landscape is very sterile, but there are still some spectacular views towards the smoking volcano. After 10 minutes we cross a wide ravine, “Zanjón Correntoso”. The cracked lava, almost black, belong to the last eruption of the Villarrica in 1984. Twenty minutes later we get to the “Zanjón Molco”, a ravine which goes all the way down to the lake, half road between Pucón and Villarrica. Then the path begins to slowly climb until getting to the mark of the 1.550 m.a.s.l, which we will keep during the next half hour. This area of lava, barren dumps is the highest of the trail.
[[Imagen:Villarrica_Traverse_2.jpg|thumb|Mapa tramo Chinay - Puesco. Imagen: [ Hans Liechti, Travelaid] ]]
[[Imagen:Laguna_Azul.jpg|thumb|left|Laguna Azul. Imagen:[ Hans Liechti, Travelaid] ]]
The beginning of the trail is well marked, and starts about 50 meters before reaching the CONAF’s rangers’ office. Through a catwalk you must cross the Chinay River and then we get closer to the mountains on the other side. After 30 minutes the trail starts to climb a mountain slope with continue zigzags. Take it easy, the climb is very long, and there are about 700 meters to gain. The forest is mixed, with raulíes, coigües, colihues and many notros which in springtime bloom fire-red. 15 minutes later the first araucarias appear. Soon you will have the first views towards the valley of Palguín Alto, and the Villarrica volcano with the Pichillancahue valley on the other side. Farther ahead you will find a sign that indicates that there is water 20 meters downhill; even though the access is not easy, it is better to get some here, since the next chance to find clear water again is several hours ahead.
After 1½ to 2 hours walking you will reach the limit of the forest. There is still some coirón, the typical highland grass, but it becomes scarce. Now the land gets more desert-like and you will find a rather thin thread of water, but it is not safe. Soon the trail turns into a pass, but instead of getting downhill, you have to turn right and keep on climbing; some stones in a pile will confirm that you are on the right track. At this point there are usually strong winds that make it hard to walk, especially if the “Puelche” is blowing, a very strong wind that comes against you from Argentina. The trail continues along the left side of the summit of Cerro Los Pinos, and then along the edge of the Mocho Range, going up and down all the time. There are some rocky parts that take turns with areas of stubby lengas. The views are great: Towards the north there are the volcanoes Llaima, Tolhuaca and Lonquimay, in front there is the Quetrupillán volcano, and farther, the impressive Lanín.
===Laguna Azul – Laguna Avutardas (Sendero "Las Avutardas")===
[[Imagen:Laguna_blanca.jpg|thumb|left|Laguna Blanca Imagen: [ Hans Liechti, Travelaid]]]
Continue the march between the mountain you used to arrive here and the lava flow that plugged the lagoon. Few minutes later the trail crosses a much eroded lava field, formed by big volcanic rock chunks. After a short climbing you have to cross another arm of the same lava tongue. To the left, at the slopes of the Quetrupillán, you can see the crater partially open from where the eruption came.
==Permits / Fees==
* CONAF charges an entrance fee of Ch$ 5.000 to Chileans or Ch$ 710.000 (as of 2024) to foreigners for using the"Villarrica Traverse".
==Guided tour==
It is possibly to hire the agency '''[ Travelaid]''', based in Pucón, to do this trekking with qualified guides.
*Ph: 56-45-444040
==External Links==
{{Tiempo atmosferico Temuco}}
{{Trekkings Chile english}}
[[category:Routes in english]]