
ENG:Reserva Nacional Altos de Pemehue

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[[ES:Reserva Nacional Altos de Pemehue]]
{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}
|País=Chile (english)
|CiudadesChile=Los Ángeles
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Bosque, Flora atractiva, Fauna atractiva, Río
|DuraciónDuracion=2 días|Dificultad Física=Algo Exigente|Dificultad Técnica=Media
|Sendero=Tramos sin sendero
 |TipoTrekLatitud1=Recorrido-37.907156|DistanciaLongitud1=27 km-71.631867| metros48200
|Comentarios distancia=
|Primer Autor=Rutas Patrimoniales
|Imágen Principal=Cordillera-de-Pemehue-g3.jpg
|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
==General Description==
The Alto Biobío Heritage Route: The
Araucarias of the Pemehue Range provides
To get to the Heritage Route, start
==Trail markings==
This guide is indispensable
and old sawmills.
The route begins at the Cuyaqui
<span style="color:red">Well-marked, stone horse trail, ascending and descending. Panoramic views of the Cuyaqui Stream Gorge, Pemehue peaks, and Las Venenosas Gorge. Scenic views of araucaria forests and prior forest exploitation. Fauna sightings.
Take your time exploring the vestiges
<span style="color:red">Dirt or “trumao” soil horse trail, descending to Santa Rosa Lake and ascending to Portezuelo Trinidad Lookout. Scenic views of veranada landscapes, Santa Rosa Stream Gorge, Callaqui Volcano, Sierra Velluda, lakes. Fauna sightings.
'''The descent to Santa Rosa Lake
Veranada. Scenic views of pristine araucaria, lenga, and ñirre forests. Panoramic views of Prados de Maitenes Stream Gorge and Huida Ridge.
'''On the road to Portezuelo Trinidad
<span style="color:red">Dirt horse trail bordering the Prados de Maitenes Stream and Waterfall. Scenic views of Prados de Maitenes Stream Gorge, Butaco River, and araucarias atop the Huida Ridge. Quila growth and raulí forests in the Butaco River Gorge. End of Route at the Prados del Butaco Post.
'''The descent along the Prados de
==External Links==
{{Tiempo atmosferico Los Angeles}}
{{Trekkings Chile english}}
[[category:Routes in english]]