
ENG:Valle Avilés

47 bytes eliminados, 23:47 7 mar 2014
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==General Description==
A wonderful trekking trek through the Valley valley of the river Aviles River which connects Jeinemeni National Reserve with Estancia Chacabuco, a national park in the making. The trail follows a route the first colonists in the area used to travel between Cochrane and Chile Chico. While this description is from north to south, it is also possible to do this route in reverse.
The route begins in the administration of the Reserve. Here CONAF has a campground next to Jeinemeni Jeinimeni Lake (10,000 CLP as of summer 2014). It's not a bad idea to talk with the rangers about the status of the trail, especially for the level of water in the many rivers and streams higher up in the valley.
From the entrance, follow the 4x4 track to the edge of Lake JeinemeniJeinimeni. The trails rounds the lake on its southern side, on sunny days granting stunning views of the arid mountains refelected reflected in the still waters. The trail is flat and makes for a pleasant walk. There are some river crossings, which, later in the day or if it has rained recently, will mean having to take off the your shoes and getting your feet wet. After one or one and half hours you'll see a shallow lagoon on your left. Cross the small drainage stream and continue west into the interior. Half an hour after the lagoon you reach a deep river with a strong current, take care in its crossing, especially if it has rained recently or is late in the day.
After the river the 4x4 track is practically non existent. Follow the cairns, small piles of stones, in order to traverse a rocky wash to the entrance of a small forest.
The trail quickly leaves the forest and there is a fork, clearly marked by a sign. One trail goes to Lago Verde and the other to Valle Hermoso. Take the trail to Valle Hermoso, to the northwest. This trail enters into a dense forest and then exits into yet another river valley. From here we have our first view of the snow and glaciers of the Cordon de la Gloria. Follow the cairns northwest up the valley. Here you'll have to cross many small streams, but none should present any real problem. All the while pay attention to your left hand side for the entrance to the forest and the start of the climb to the pass. The pass itself is an obvious opening in the mountains, and is well marked with a pile of rocks and ribbons tied to the trees. We started the climb 4 hours after the administration.
The climb is short but intense, 400 meters in about 30 or 45 minutes. From the top, we have our first view of the spectacular Lago Verde. This glacial lake is surrounded on all sides by fjord like cliffs, and its turquoise water glisten in the afternoon sun. The descent is as abrupt as the ascent, but the incredible views towards the glaciers of Valle Hermoso and the lake below you are ample reward. Half an hour or 45 minutes on a small beach is reached.
'''Dificultad Técnica: Media'''
In this stretch you will have to cross many small streams. It is very important to have a pair of sneakers or sports sandals that can get wet or you will waste time taking off and putting on your hiking boots. This author recommends a good pair of Crocs. As a general rule, always look for where rivers divide into many shallow streams to find a safe place to cross. Follow the cairns and red poles towards the end of the valley. The path is always clear, but depending on the water level, it's possible you will have to leave the path in search of a safe crossing.
From afar we can start to make out the entrance to the Aviles Valley, since it is the only opening between the mountains that heads southward (to the left). The trail enters the forest 2 or 3 hours from the refugio. The entrance is very well marked with stones and ribbons tied to trees. The beautiful lenga forest is dense, and can make route finding difficult, but at least there are no more streams.
===Tramo tres===
'''Puesto Limite - Stone House Campground'''
'''Duración: 7 horasor 8 hours'''
'''Dificultad Física: Baja'''
'''Dificultad Técnica: Baja'''
Now in the property of the Estancia, the trail is very well marked. There are many sites apt for camping this day, which can facilitate two shorter days if your party is tired. Follow the trail to the south. 45 minutes of or an hour after Puesto Limite you'll reach another campsite. Take water from the river itself. A few minutes on the trail fords the River AvilesRiver. The trail enters the forest again and starts a long, gradual descent. Two kilometers after crossing the River AvilesRiver, there is a deep tributary that also must be forded. Take comfort in the fact that this is the last time you'll have to take off your shoes. The south side of this tributary also offers a good spot to camp.
The environment is changing very fast, from the humid dense forest to the arid steppe typical of Argentinian Patagonia. 3 kilometers or an hour on, the valley gets very narrow, practically a canyon, and the trail climbs to a beautiful lookout point. Things open The valley opens up quickly and we return the trail returns to the side of the river. Here there is also good camping, with fresh water, flat ground, and shelter from the wind. One hour from the lookout there is a suspension bridge over a deep and narrow canyon. Although your hairs may stand on end half way across, the bridge is sturdy.
Now across the bridge, the trail climbs slowly reaching another lookout an hour on. Guanacos graze the rich grasslands characteristic of the lower river valley. Two or three hours from the bridge we arrive in the valley floor. From here we can clearly make out the alamo trees indicating the campground, only two kilometers or 30 minutes away.
As of summer 2014, Stone House Campground is under construction. There are shelters for cooking and shelter from the wind and rain for cooking and a pit toilet. There is no charge. From here to the administration it is 35 kilometers on a public road. It would be a hard walk and hitching is recommended. There is not much traffic, but the workers in the Estancia are friendly and almost always stop for the occasional trekker. At the administration, you can camp in the completed West Winds Campground for 5.000 CLP per person, or continue on to the Carretera Austral. The nearest town is Cochrane, 18 kilometers away.
==Permisos / Tarifas==