
GPT40 (Glaciar Viedma)

3192 bytes añadidos, 23:30 2 dic 2024
Season 2023/24
Enjoy, this hike rocks!
* '''20232024-Feb- 05 to 2024-Feb-08/ 4 days/hiking/SOBO/40/RR/Paulina''' Absolutely beautiful section! Very various Day 1 I left very late ( 4 pm) because the wind was extremely strong earlier, but it is an easy day, about 9 I was at the camping Lago Toro. The way was most of the time well marked, after the rain the meadows can be very wet I think. Once you are in the valley of Lago Toro, there are some easy river crossing. The campground is well protected from the wind, the water is nearby. To grab a better spot for tent, don't come too late, when I was there, the camping was almost full. Day 2 For me it was the most beautiful day, in a good weather , the views on the glaciers are amasing. So yes, it's really worth to wait fot a good weather for this day ( and the next one too). This day you will need also to consult sometimes the trails on GPS. At the end of the lake, there are some cairns, don't follow them, just follow the trail on gps which goes up. A lot of people missed up there and instead to follow na easy and safe trail, they climbed unecessary some rocks. The tiroliene didn't seems.difficult, The only think is that when we were there, the thin rope was not attached to the tyroliene and it was not easy to pull the tiroliene at the beginning. So, take a thin rope to attach the tirolien because the one which was there was all missed up. It's ok if you have one hardness for a group, it's easy to send it back. As all the people from the camping left around the same hour, to avaoil the linę to the tiroliene, we just crossed the river a bit farther, the level was not too high. Later, a nice path will take you to the glacier and you will not see anymore the trail ( only cairns sometimes). If you follow GPS trail, it should be ok. At the glacier, just walk on the eadge of the glacier at first, and later on rocks which are close from the glacier. There is also an upper trail, some people followed this one but were complaining that it was hard ( a lot of ...stones.). One you are at the end of the glacier, go up, there are several trails, but all of them are ok. The views from the pass area are just amasing, so yes, wsit for the good weather because it would be a pity not to see all these glaciers. The trail to the rodugio is easy to follow, mostly descent. At the camping there are about 5 spots with stonewall protection. It's a windy area, so it's better to grab a good spot. Also, there is place for about 8 person in the rodugio. Day 3 Another beautiful day. Well marked all the time, most of the time easy way. The ascent to the pass is short and rather pleasent. Very, very windy at the end of the ascend ( even if it was not a windy day), so I can't imagine how windy it is with a worse weather. About ,30 min from the pass, a steep ascend starts. When it's wet, can be difficult. So also, better to have good, dry day for this descent. I would recommand to camp at Bahia Tempanos, well wind protected and beautiful views on icebergs, and a Perfect spot for sunrise. Day 4 Rather easy day. The landscape changes a lot comparing to previous days, but it's still very beautiful, especially views on Lago de Vuelta. The tiroliene is very easy. * '''2024-Jan-15 / 3 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Tom Pieper'''
Not much to add. As the others mentioned a must do! When I started, there were indeed not that many people as weather forecast was not that good for the 'classic' 4 day itinerary. I was fine doing it in 3 days. The bivouack after Glaciar Rio Tunel Inferior only has space for 3 tents. You find additional protected spots 5 minutes beyond at the lake. If you fear glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) there are also some elevated spots there.