
GPT46 (Seno Ultima Esperanza)

1561 bytes añadidos, 22:42 14 dic 2023
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2023-11-28 to 2023-11-30 // 3 days // Hiking // NOBO // Option3 cordon cerro Chacabuco // Quentin Clavel
Another amazing section, but quite challenging as well. The conditions to pass cordon cerro Chacabuco were pretty rude, wind, snow and glacial temperature. Patagonia at its best !
Started from Puerto Natales, following the road then the gravel road, then enter in nice tracks. You enter place where there's some hotels with views on fjords. I've seen only workers there, said hello to them and continue the way.
Pass threw shelters with people. Asked for the autorisations and they nicely allowes me to pass.
I camped along the beautiful fiord and the morning was epic with views, rainbows ...
Arrived at the Estencia Perales then begin the good part, your GPS will be your best friend on some parts.
That's a long walk to Rio Serrano by cerro Chacabuco.
Fortunately the trail has been marked few years ago for ultra fiord. Easy to follow the blue sticks, even if on some parts the nature took control on the trail.
Passing from deep forest to wetland. The race is not passing here since few years. They even left the refueling station with whole barrels of instant noodles, cake, gas, machetes and so on. If you're really in need, you can take some, bit the expiration date is from 2019.
Cerro Chacabuco was wild ! Big amount of snow and unpredictable weather (should I mention it again ? We're in Patagonia).
Then go down to Rio Serrano ! Love this itinerary, pretty wild, and some hidden gem like waterfalls that you heard easily !
==Season 2022/23==