Huayhuash Andean Circuit

Revisión del 20:38 21 abr 2009 de Julie (Discusión | contribuciones) (Acces)

Revisión del 20:38 21 abr 2009 de Julie (Discusión | contribuciones) (Acces)

Best season

The adequate season is from the end of April until the beginning of October. It is ideal in June and July.


By car

Public transportation & hitchhiking

A "combi" leaves from Chiquián everyday around 9:00 a.m. heading towards Llamac. You will have to pay more for backpacks. It is possible to arrive at Chiquián directly from Lima or Huaraz. It is also possible to catch a Lima-Huaraz-Lima bus and get off at the fork to Chiquián, where a taxi can be shared with locals (10 soles per passenger, approx.) These generally wait around the fork when the buses are scheduled to arrive.

Description of the route

The trail begins at X. From there you should walk to X. It takes X hours till X.

Expected time

At average speed, this trekking should take X hours/days from X to X

Permits / Fees

  • This trekking does not require permits and there are not entrance fees. / You must get a permit for this trekking in the following email / phone number: / You must pay a fee of X at the entrance.


  • Water....
  • Sense of the walk
  • Etc

Waypoints in Google Earth

  • Waypoints of.... To download the file right-click and then select "save file as".