

137 581 bytes añadidos, 14:02 21 may 2020
Página creada con «<style> ! normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | hr, img, legend { border: 0 } .cDT--list__btn:focus, .cDT--list__btn:hover, ....»

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width: 16.66667%

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width: 25%

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width: 58.33333%

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width: 66.66667%

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width: 75%

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width: 83.33333%

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.u--col__12 {
width: 100%

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width: 100%

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margin-left: 100%

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margin: 0 4px 0 0;
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input[type=file] {
display: block

input[type=range] {
display: block;
width: 100%

select[multiple], select[size] {
height: auto

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color: #bbb

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box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #eee;
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browser-prefixes(browsers()) -border-radius: 3 px;
border-radius: 3px

.o--formWrapper input:active[type=serach], .o--formWrapper input:active[type=text], .o--formWrapper input:active[type=email], .o--formWrapper input:active[type=password], .o--formWrapper input:active[type=url], .o--formWrapper input:focus[type=serach], .o--formWrapper input:focus[type=text], .o--formWrapper input:focus[type=email], .o--formWrapper input:focus[type=password], .o--formWrapper input:focus[type=url], .o--formWrapper select:active, .o--formWrapper select:focus, .o--formWrapper textarea:active, .o--formWrapper textarea:focus, .o--formWrapper--lg input:active[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--lg input:active[type=text], .o--formWrapper--lg input:active[type=email], .o--formWrapper--lg input:active[type=password], .o--formWrapper--lg input:active[type=url], .o--formWrapper--lg input:focus[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--lg input:focus[type=text], .o--formWrapper--lg input:focus[type=email], .o--formWrapper--lg input:focus[type=password], .o--formWrapper--lg input:focus[type=url], .o--formWrapper--lg select:active, .o--formWrapper--lg select:focus, .o--formWrapper--lg textarea:active, .o--formWrapper--lg textarea:focus, .o--formWrapper--sm input:active[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--sm input:active[type=text], .o--formWrapper--sm input:active[type=email], .o--formWrapper--sm input:active[type=password], .o--formWrapper--sm input:active[type=url], .o--formWrapper--sm input:focus[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--sm input:focus[type=text], .o--formWrapper--sm input:focus[type=email], .o--formWrapper--sm input:focus[type=password], .o--formWrapper--sm input:focus[type=url], .o--formWrapper--sm select:active, .o--formWrapper--sm select:focus, .o--formWrapper--sm textarea:active, .o--formWrapper--sm textarea:focus, .o--form__input--lg:active, .o--form__input--lg:focus, .o--form__input--sm:active, .o--form__input--sm:focus, .o--form__input:active, .o--form__input:focus, .o--form__select--lg:active, .o--form__select--lg:focus, .o--form__select--sm:active, .o--form__select--sm:focus, .o--form__select:active, .o--form__select:focus {
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background: #f3f3f3;
color: #080808;
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px #eee;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #eee;
border: 0 solid transparent

.o--formWrapper--sm input[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--sm input[type=text], .o--formWrapper--sm input[type=email], .o--formWrapper--sm input[type=password], .o--formWrapper--sm input[type=url], .o--formWrapper--sm select, .o--formWrapper--sm textarea, .o--form__input--sm, .o--form__select--sm {
padding: 3px 13px;
font-size: .9rem

.o--formWrapper--lg input[type=serach], .o--formWrapper--lg input[type=text], .o--formWrapper--lg input[type=email], .o--formWrapper--lg input[type=password], .o--formWrapper--lg input[type=url], .o--formWrapper--lg select, .o--formWrapper--lg textarea, .o--form__input--lg, .o--form__select--lg {
padding: 10px 13px;
font-size: 1.15rem

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margin-bottom: 20px

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margin: 0 0 10px;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 1rem;
color: #080808

.o--formWrapper .o--form__select, .o--formWrapper select {
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margin-bottom: 0

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width: 25px;
height: auto;
display: inline-block

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margin-bottom: 20px

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padding-top: 1rem

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content: " ";
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clear: both

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.o--form__input--mute, .o--form__select--mute {
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none

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browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
background: #fff

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width: 200px !important

.o--form__input--view:active, .o--form__input--view:focus, .o--form__select--view:active, .o--form__select--view:focus {
background: #fff

@media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
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height: 44px

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text-overflow: ellipsis;
height: 33px;
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appearance: none;
background: url() 99% 50% no-repeat !important

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height: 44px

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height: 21px

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height: 44px

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color: #080808;
word-break: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap

.o--textareaCaption--view:hover {
color: #080808

.o--form_checkbox, .o--form_radio {
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margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px

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min-height: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-weight: 400;
cursor: pointer

.o--form_checkbox + .o--form_checkbox, .o--form_radio + .o--form_radio {
margin-top: -5px

fieldset[disabled] input[type=checkbox], fieldset[disabled] input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox].disabled, input[type=checkbox][disabled], input[type=radio].disabled, input[type=radio][disabled] {
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margin: .75rem 0;
color: #999
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color: #f98c65
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color: #50b83c

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background: #f3f3f3;
border-radius: 2px;
overflow: hidden

.is--focused.o--inputAction--light, {
border-color: #eee;
background: #fff

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padding: 0 10px;
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border: 1px solid #eee

.o--inputAction input[type=serach], .o--inputAction input[type=text], .o--inputAction input[type=email], .o--inputAction input[type=password], .o--inputAction input[type=url], .o--inputAction--light input[type=serach], .o--inputAction--light input[type=text], .o--inputAction--light input[type=email], .o--inputAction--light input[type=password], .o--inputAction--light input[type=url], .o--inputAction__input {
position: relative;
padding: .7rem 1.5rem .7rem 0;
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color: #999;
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border: none;
box-shadow: none;
width: 100%

.o--inputAction input:focus[type=serach], .o--inputAction input:focus[type=text], .o--inputAction input:focus[type=email], .o--inputAction input:focus[type=password], .o--inputAction input:focus[type=url], .o--inputAction--light input:focus[type=serach], .o--inputAction--light input:focus[type=text], .o--inputAction--light input:focus[type=email], .o--inputAction--light input:focus[type=password], .o--inputAction--light input:focus[type=url], .o--inputAction__input:focus {
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color: #080808;
box-shadow: none

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box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px transparent !important

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position: absolute;
top: 0;
font-size: 1.5rem;
line-height: 35px !important;
color: #bbb;
z-index: 2

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right: .75rem;
font-size: .85rem

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left: .75rem

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display: inline-block;
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border-radius: 3px;
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user-select: none;
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -transition: all .1 s ease;
transition: all .1s ease;
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padding: 3px 8px;
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padding: 10px 25px;
font-size: 1.15rem

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browser-prefixes(browsers()) -border-radius: 30 px;
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display: block;
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opacity: .3;
background-image: none

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padding-right: .75rem;
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text-align: left;
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line-height: inherit
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visibility: visible

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visibility: hidden;
font-size: .75rem;
color: #999;
padding-right: 2rem

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margin-left: 1rem;
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font-size: .75rem

.o--btnDrop__icon.has--singleContainer {
display: block;
position: absolute;
right: 1rem;
top: .75rem

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color: #fff !important;
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browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px transparent !important

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color: #fff !important;
background-color: #48a536 !important
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color: #fff !important;
background-color: #53c03f !important

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color: #fff !important;
background-color: #25c6fe !important;
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color: #fff !important;
background-color: #0cbffe !important
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color: #fff !important;
background-color: #2fc9fe !important;
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animation: btnFlash .3s linear infinite

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color: #25c6fe;
background-color: #fff;
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px #25c6fe;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #25c6fe

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background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(37, 198, 254, .1)), rgba(37, 198, 254, .2)...);
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px #25c6fe;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #25c6fe
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background-image: prefix(browser-prefixes(browsers()), _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(37, 198, 254, .8)), rgba(37, 198, 254, .9)...));
background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(37, 198, 254, .8)), rgba(37, 198, 254, .9)...);
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px #25c6fe;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #25c6fe;
color: #fff

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color: #999;
background-color: #fff;
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box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px transparent
},, .o--btn--mute:active, .o--btn--mute:focus, .o--btn--mute:hover, .o--btn--outline,,, .o--btn--outline:active, .o--btn--outline:focus, .o--btn--outline:hover {
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box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #eee

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background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(238, 238, 238, .1)), rgba(238, 238, 238, .2)...)
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background-image: prefix(browser-prefixes(browsers()), _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(238, 238, 238, .8)), rgba(238, 238, 238, .9)...));
background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(238, 238, 238, .8)), rgba(238, 238, 238, .9)...)

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background-color: transparent

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background-image: prefix(browser-prefixes(browsers()), _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(8, 8, 8, .1)), rgba(8, 8, 8, .2)...));
background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(8, 8, 8, .1)), rgba(8, 8, 8, .2)...)
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background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(8, 8, 8, .8)), rgba(8, 8, 8, .9)...)

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color: #f98c65;
browser-prefixes(browsers()) -box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1 px #f98c65;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #f98c65
}, {
background: #f3f3f3

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background-color: #f3f3f3

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background-image: prefix(browser-prefixes(browsers()), _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(249, 140, 101, .1)), rgba(249, 140, 101, .2)...));
background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(249, 140, 101, .1)), rgba(249, 140, 101, .2)...)
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background-image: prefix(browser-prefixes(browsers()), _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(249, 140, 101, .8)), rgba(249, 140, 101, .9)...));
background-image: _linear-gradient_legacy(compact(rgba(249, 140, 101, .8)), rgba(249, 140, 101, .9)...)

.o--btn--danger:active {
color: #fff

.o--btn--dark {
background: #080808 !important;
color: #fff !important;
box-shadow: none !important

.o--btn--dark:active {
color: #fff

@keyframes btnFlash {
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75% {
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line-height: 130%

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100% {
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transform: rotate(360deg)

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100% {
opacity: 1

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In their form of the Salish language it translates" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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In their form of the Salish language it translates" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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In their form of the Salish language it translates" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
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alt="The Spokane people have an unusual way of saying “he got sick”.⁠

In their form of the Salish language it translates" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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alt="The Spokane people have an unusual way of saying “he got sick”.⁠

In their form of the Salish language it translates" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="In Taiwan, private investigators have been known to wait outside hotel rooms listening for moans before bursting in,"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Russia’s covid-19 outbreak could be far worse than the Kremlin admits.⁠

Doctors on social media say they were" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
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alt="Many of the people whom Britain celebrates as “heroes” would fall foul of tighter post-Brexit immigration"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Throughout history, people have shown a depressing tendency to square off when logic would have brought them together."
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="In America absolute mobility (the chance that a child will go on to earn more than their parents) has dropped from 90%,"
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="What happens when two nuclear-armed neighbours meet at their border, which also happens to be the longest disputed one"
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Almost all the deans of American business schools reckon the pandemic could lead to permanent closures.⁠

That's" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
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alt="Are most of the world's wind turbines spinning in the wrong direction?⁠

It seems an arbitrary but efficient choice by" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Two months after Britain closed schools, it is becoming clear that most children of all ages are doing rather little"
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Buzzcuts are in, and perms are out, according to Google searches.⁠

With hair salons around the world closed" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="America’s far right is being energised by covid-19 lockdowns.⁠

Buoyed by tweets from President Donald Trump" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<div class="o--cardContainer tLb--content__cardContainer" data-post-id="7224968">
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="The word “bankrupt” derives from &quot;&quot;banco rotto&quot;&quot;, the practice in medieval Italy of smashing the benches that merchants"
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Sri Lanka’s new president is putting soldiers in charge of everything.⁠

Gotabaya Rajapaksa (“Gota”) commands the" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Forty years ago, masked intruders set fire to a ballot box in the Peruvian Andes, kicking off Latin America's strangest"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="It may be a painful fact to contemplate during these locked-down days, but last year the world was more mobile than"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Who speaks for Europe? It’s a question that has never quite found a satisfactory answer.⁠

The EU’s anthem, Beethoven’s" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<div class="o--cardContainer tLb--content__cardContainer" data-post-id="7222148">
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="For months they've dreaded it. Now, the nightmare has arrived. ⁠

On May 14th, two people tested positive for covid-19" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="⁠Like many other scientists in the public eye at the moment, Tedros Adhanom receives death threats.⁠

The mild-mannered" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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alt="“Care work isn’t just bum wiping,” says Karolina Gerlich. Since moving to Britain from Poland 12 years ago, she has"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="What do paotong trees and business have in common?⁠

Governments everywhere are debating the future of globalisation in" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<div class="o--cardContainer tLb--content__cardContainer" data-post-id="7177953">
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="How bad will things really get for America Inc?⁠

The country has already seen a surge of corporate bankruptcies among" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="On January 20th, some 2,500 passengers boarded the Diamond Princess for a luxury cruise holiday. ⁠

Days later, an" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Is Sweden’s approach to covid-19 wise or reckless?⁠

In March, when governments across Europe were enacting harsh" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="The pandemic has hit Silicon Valley hard, and in ways that may become permanent. ⁠

Startups and tech companies of all" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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alt="The Mekong river animates a vast swathe of Asia. From the snow-packed mountains of south-western China from which it"
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alt="As the first wave of the pandemic subsides, economies will reopen and activity will recover. But don’t expect a quick"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="How many people actually live in North Macedonia? Nobody knows.⁠

The Balkan country and Ukraine are the only countries" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="The world’s gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and orang-utans face yet another threat from their human neighbours:"
class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="For a smart guy, Mike Pompeo has a long history of talking nonsense.⁠

He recently enraged the Chinese by claiming that" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="There is a reason why Zoom calls feel so draining.⁠

Studies have found that most cultures observe a conversational" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="Africa contains about 17% of the world’s population. But it has less than 2% of the world's confirmed cases of"
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<img srcset=" 240w, 320w"
sizes=" (max-width: 769px) 80px, 288px"
alt="For America’s poor, the covid-19 pandemic has delivered a swift and brutal reversal of fortune. ⁠

At the start of the" class="o--card__media qa--post_in_grid">

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