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39 bytes añadidos, 13:38 7 mar 2019
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{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}
|CiudadesChile=Puerto Natales
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Formación Geológica
|DuraciónDuracion=2 días|Dificultad Física=Algo Exigente|Dificultad Técnica=Media
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|DistanciaLatitud1=XX-51,X km.441639|Longitud1=-72,748650|Distancia=0 |MetrosAscenso=|MetrosDescenso=|Comentarios distancia=|DesnivelAltitudMedia=x.xxx metros
|Primer Autor=Rutas Patrimoniales
|Imágen Principal=Milodon-g4.jpg
|ComentariosMapa=Trekking ruta Milodón{{aportar track}}|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
From November to March.
<span style="color:red">Walk by well delimitated path in the western sector of the Sofia lake, on lands with woods and prairies, flat to slightly inclined.
This Heritage Route starts after leaving public road in a site allowing to cross a fence parallel to the road. There, you will see a welcome sign. Start walking by an interesting “Ñirres” forest (Nothofagus antarctica), intermingled with beautiful Calafates (Magellan Barberry - Berberis buxifolia), a typical specie of Magallanes region. By 1895, a German settler, Hermann Eberhard, who lived near Puerto Natales, found in these valleys some pieces of skin of an animal that was then unknown, the Milodón (Mylodón darwinii listai). This herbivore mammal, of the genus of the gound-sloths, similar to a big bear, was twice as tall as a human being. Reasons of this mammal extinction, 10 to 13 thousands of years ago, are not yet clear, being possibly due to hunting by the first men who lived in the zone, and to climate changes that altered vegetation cover of these valleys.<br>
<span style="color:red">Walk by well delimitated path in the western sector of Porteño lake, on lands with woods, thicket and prairies, flat to inclined.
Immediately after passing by the vehicle bridge allowing to cross Ventisquero river, cross the fence, always following the track by the western strip, parallel to the public road. Start of this second segment is signaled and identified with an interpretative table. The track is here relatively close to the vehicle road and usually corresponds to muddy lands, although – as you may see – works have been done to make the tour easier. Heading north, you will get to a clear strip among a dense wood until arriving to a rustic gate. Here, you may see a typical Liquen of Nothofagus woods, the so-called beard of mount beard (Usnea barbata), which is used to dye wool and for its antibiotic properties.<br>
After passing the rustic gate, head north around 500 meters until arriving to some prairies where beautiful views of Macizo del Paine may be seen in sunny days. By a little pond, you will find [[Hitos Milodon#Hito 6 / Guidepost 6|Guidepost Nr. 6]], the first mirador of this route, providing majestic views of this mountain range.<br>
When you go inside through the small stream that allows crossing these hills at your left you will see that surrounding hillsides are very irregular. Originated from sedimentary rocks (rocks forming from pieces and materials, minerals and organic elements, coming from decomposition and deposit of other materials), these hills have experienced a series of fractures, overturns and slidings of large blocks of rocks forming them from high to low zones. The above has generated a stepped and abrupt landscape with zones of diverse vegetation development: ripe forests, young forests, thickets, only prairie and areas with naked rock. When leaving the stream, you will have a splendid view of the Tenerife hill and as background Macizo del Paine to the north. We are in [[Hitos Milodon#Hito 10 / Guidepost 10|Guidepost Nr. 10]]. During the next 1,500 m, approximately, you should climb and go down slopes between coigües, ñirres (Nothofagus antarctica), Chaura (Gaultheria mucrata) and some Notros. In this part, path is clear, you can walk safe. While you keep walking, you will find a small brook. Refill your canteen, since you will not find water until you arrive to Rincón River, approximately at about 3,000 meters ahead.<br>
Continuing with the tour, the path passes by a zone with a thin vegetable layer, with the presence ñirres (Nothofagus antarctica), Notro (Embothrium coccineum) and coigüe (Nothofagus betuloides) young forests. Go ahead and you will find a beautiful and little wetland with a pond in its center. Good view to Tenerife hill (1,670 m.a.s.l.) and of some tourism cabins located by El Rincón river outlet. Porteño lake will always flow to your right and – as a background – highest peaks of Macizo del Paine which may be seen over near hills.<br>
Following the path, you will start climbing down until arriving to a place where track changes its direction dramatically bound to the West. A segment of permanent climbing up is here showing its first signs.<br>
<span style="color:red">Walk by well delimitated path in the western sector of Toro lake, on lands with woods and thicket, flat to inclined, crossing the public road to eastern sector.
To take the track again, after crossing the bridge, observe the interpretative panel installed at one side of the road and that announces the third segment. You will walk on a land covered with thicket roots, always keeping your position at the west side of the vehicular road.<br>
<span style="color:red">Walk by well delimitated path on north-west sector of Toro lake, on lands with thicket and prairies in hillsides exposed to strong winds.
Before starting this new segment, do not forget to bring a good supply of drinking water (minimum 2 liters per person) because, depending on the season of the year, it could be your last chance to obtain it before arriving to the Serrano River sector, finish of this heritage road.<br>
===The Milodón Cave===
Milodón Cave is now a reference point and a must-see destination to travelers visiting chilean Patagonia. Located 24 km north the city of Puerto Natales, it is currently lodged by the 189.5 hectares that make up MILODÓN CAVE NATURAL MONUMENT. This Natural Monument is one of the three existing in the Region of Magallanes and is the most important and more visited by far – it received over 52,000 visitors only in 2005, among whom 55% were foreigners.<br>
As a Unit, it was created in 1978 being thus incorporated to the State Protected Area System under CONAF’s management.<br>

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